27. Be Mine

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Author's Note

Hello my darlings!

I am pleased to say that Im a bit proud of this chapter, only because I made it fairly long. I do hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it because there are so many emotions and I just wanted to spice things up for you.

Please vote and share. Thank you so much. I love you!! Xx

Elizabeth's POV

I wake feeling a bit warm. I rub my hands against my face trying to get used to the morning like seeping through the window before turning to face Harry who was still fast asleep.

Harry was laying on his back his tattooed chest exposed with his head turned facing me. His chest rised and falled with his slow breath he took through his parted lips. I smile gently brushing his hair out of his eyes revealing his sculptured face.

I lean in kissing the corner of his mouth before standing; grabbing one of the sheets to cover my naked body and head over to the bathroom. I might as well take a shower before we head off to school.

As the cool water runs down my body I can't help but let my mind dive deep into my thoughts.

Last night was amazing. Every night and everyday with Harry is amazing. I love him dearly and to be honest it scares me.

So many couples love each other deeply and they get married but slowly it starts to fade. I've seen it. Usually, married couples as the years go by usually don't have sex let alone hold hands.

Will Harry ever stop loving me? I have given him a few reasons to... then again so has he. Howeverno matter what we have done, we still managed to find our way back to one another. So doesn't that show that we are different?

"Ugh!" I groan tugging at my hair feeling tears stinging in my eyes. What the hell is wrong with me?

I let out a frustrated breath pushing back my scattered thoughts and go back to having my shower. Once I fully rinse off my body I turn off the water and climb out wrapping my body in a towel from off the silver rack.

Holding onto my towel, I stand in front of the sink glancing at my reflection in the mirror.  I bit my lower lip trying  decipher my strange mood.

Why am I even thinking this way? Maybe I am just overwhelmed, maybe I'm just too wrapped up in our love. Honestly, maybe I'm just too scared to admit that one day our heated, lustful, want and need for one another may give out.

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