26. Greedy

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Author's POV

Hello my loves! How are you?
I had a bit of time on my hands so I decided to wrote this so I hope you enjoy it. Love you! Xx

Elizabeth's POV

"So what are we going to eat?" I ask Harry.

"How about we make some pasta?" He asks tugging us into the kitchen.

"Sure." I smile. It is his birthday after all, who am I to argue? Besides I do love pasta.

I walk over to the bottom cabinet next to the stove to grab the small silver pot to boil the pasta.

"I'll do it love." Harry says taking the pot out my hand.

"But it's your birthday and-" I start to protest but he cuts me off.

"I want to do it love." He says placing a swift kiss on my lips before walking around me over to the sink filling it up with water.

I sit myself on the marbled kitchen island with my legs dangling seeing Harry pour the past shells into the same silver pot in the stove.

"For now all we have to do is wait." He smiles lower the flame underneath the pot before slowly striding his way towards me.

"Harry, I do know how to cook pasta." I say with a small laugh, rolling my eyes.

"Then why am I doing it?" He say smiling innocently at me.

"Cause you wanted to. Though I don't know how when you haven't even taken out the sauce and other things you want to add to it." I say as he comes and stands between my legs grabbing his hands.

"Yeah yeah, blah blah blah." He says removing his hands from mine up to the sides of my face; pressing his lips.

I giggle and smile against his lips as I place my hands on his waist pulling him closer. I close my eyes and let myself feel the soft touch of his lips against mine but soon it became impossible because Misty started barking.

I smile pulling away from Harry."She must be hungry." I say looking down at Misty who was turning and jumping in a circle next to Harry's feet.

"Let me pour some food into her bowl." I say gently pushing Harry away.

"What? No." Harry whines practically pouting at me. "I'm hungry too; I'm hungry for you." He says placing his hands on my waist.

I giggle. "Harry, it won't take long, I-" Harry stops me mid sentence by connecting our lips again. Misty barks but Harry ignores it placing his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him; pressing me against him. I smile placing my arms around his neck. I felt Harry move a bit to the side.

"Misty, stop." Harry complains against my lips before kissing me again.

"Misty, stop it!" Harry complains pulling away from me. I smile seeing her tugging on Harry's pajama leg, growling.

"Let go." Harry frowns tugging against her.

"Awe looks like someone is jealous of getting mommy's attention." I tease.

"Yea, well I should have more attention for myself. I knew you first." Harry sulks, but I could hear a trace of humor.

"Go give her food." I smile kissing his cheek pushing him away before jumping off the counter. I walk over turning off the stove grabbing the pot pouring the hot noodles into the strainer in the sink.

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