21. Mine

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Author's Note

Hello my loves! How are all of you doing? I really am so sorry for not updating, i have been super busy. I also have been trying to figure somethings out here at home and at school and other personal things so i hope you do understand that I just didn't have time to write. However, i do love you all so much so please never forget that. i don't know how long this chapter will be because I am writing as i go along so i wont be able to fix any grammar errors at all because i have to go very soon. I love you all so much and i hope you still enjoy this chapter.

Please don't forget to vote and share!! <3

OH! also, what do you all think of the edit that i made of Elizabeth? XOXO

Harry's POV

"Are you sure you can take care of Misty for a few hours?" I ask Eleanor holding onto Misty's leash as we both stood beside her car.

"Of course, Harry." She smiles rolling her eyes opening the back door of her car.

"I promise I will pick her up tonight." I reassure Eleanor helping Misty into the car. Misty climb on the back seat before sitting down on her back legs. I smile running my hand through her soft recently clipped black and white fur before shutting the door.

"Thanks Eleanor." I say giving her a brief hug.

"It's okay. I enjoy having her around." She replies pulling her away.

I text Elizabeth once I walk back to the hair salon telling her I would be waiting outside. A moment later she responded me back with an okay and an I love you.

I am so excited to see what she has decided to do with her hair, no matter what she decided I know she will look beautiful.

Elizabeth's POV

"Thank you." I smile placing my wallet away into my purse walking towards the glass doors. I pull the door back walking out scanning around before my eyes land on Harry who was sitting on a bench starring down at his cellphone. I let out a small nervous breath before walking towards him.

Okay, here goes nothing.

"Hey," I mutter shyly coming to a stop beside him. Harry lifts his head up to look at me with a smile already on his dashing face, but the smile slowly started to disappear the longer he looked at me and I felt my stomach drop.

Oh no, does it look that bad?

"I swear you really are an angel." Harry mutters underneath his breath, the corner of his mouth turning up into a small smile; still keeping his eyes on me.

"It doesn't look bad?" I ask, nervously reaching up to touch my hair with my fingertips.

I told the hairdresser to cut my hair short since I wanted something new and no longer wanting to struggle with my long hair. My hair was cut into layers stopping just a little bit past my shoulders with a few natural highlights.

"No, not at all. " Harry breathes shaking his head, still keeping his soft eyes on me. His eyes were a light green making the black around his iris a bit more visible.

"You look beautiful." Harry says standing up making me take a step back.

"Really?" I smile up at him.

"Very very beautiful." He grins placing his hands on the side of my face briefly kissing my lips, making me blush.

"You need to learn how to take a compliment darling." Harry chuckles brushing his thumb along my cheek.

"Where is Misty?" I ask after her had noticing that she wasn't sitting beside Harry's feet like she usually would be.

"I asked Eleanor to come and get her."

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