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Elizabeth's POV

The late evening sunlight shined dimly through the window as night started to come through. It wasn't to bright nor to dark in the room, it was a perfect mix adding to the blissful aftermath of our love making.

I rested my head on Harry's shoulder with his arm curled around me, my arm resting across his torso lightly tracing patterns on his toned chest with my index finger; his smooth, slow breathing making me feel more at ease.

"You alright?" Harry mutters in a soft thick voice, breaking our silence, his fingertips running lightly through the top of my hair.

"Yeah." I reply, lifting my head off his shoulder to gaze up at him. "What about you?"

"I am now." He answers, a boyish smile spread across his face. I giggle lifting myself up before turning to lay on top of him. I lean down kissing the tip of his nose making him smile, briefly closing his eyes.

"Seriously though," I mutter looking down into his light green blue eyes, brushing my index finger across his lightly stubble cheek. "Are you okay?"

"I believe I asked you first." He replies with a small smile, resting his hands on my hips. I shrug.

"I don't know. I guess I'm just worried." I say biting on my lower lip. "But to be honest, I feel confused most of all."

"Yeah, me too." Harry nods, agreeing with me. I furrow my brows jerking my head back slightly.

"Aren't you suppose to reassure me?" I ask, with a small smile.

"How reassuring can I be if I lie and say I do not feel the same way?"

"Yeah." I mutter briefly looking down. "I just wish we had some sort of clue or lead as to what is going on."

"I wish we knew what my dad was researching. I want to know so bad and the fact that neither of us know and that it could be the main cause as to why all these strange events are happening irritates me even more." I sigh, shaking me head.

"Hey," Harry says calling my attention reaching up with one hand, lifting my chin up to look at him.

"I know, I feel the same way. I want to keep you safe and put all this shit to an end but I feel so helpless because I don't even know where to begin and-"

"Harry..." I pause feeling a lump in my throat, shaking my head looking down at my hand resting on his chest as a sad thought came to mind.


"How can we have a family with all of this going on?" I whisper. "Do we really want to have to worry about our beautiful baby ending up killed?"

Harry's POV

I frown as her words leave her sweet mouth. My brows furrow as I remove my other hand from her hip placing both hands on either side of her face.

"Elizabeth." I mutter. She bites her lower lip looking up at me and I am met with sad, glossy blue eyes.

"Baby." I coo grasping her face a little bit more firmly in my hands. "Don't cry, please."

"I'm sorry." She sniffs, a few tears escaping down her cheeks. "I just don't want to have to worry about our family being in danger. I don't want to lose anymore people. I can't-"

"Hey." I whisper, looking into her eyes. "You won't have to."

"Harry, I know you mean well but you can't promise that." Elizabeth says shaking her head, moving her face out of my hands. "You never know what can happen and-"

Through the Enlightenment (Harry Styles)[Bk.3]Where stories live. Discover now