63. Darkness

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Harry's POV

As I slowly wake out of the darkness, fluttering my eyes open and the first thing that they take in is the dark cracked ceiling above me. After a few seconds my body registers the coldness off the hard floor underneath me, making my skin chill, as I turn my head to the left seeing a  black cell gate.

I'm in a cell?

I slowly sit up while letting out a groan as I feel my back slowly pop back into place; vertebra by vertebra.

"Hey, you're awake. I was starting to freak out." A voice speaks a few feet away.

I turn my head to the side, and see Niall sitting against the chipped grey, brick wall. His knees slightly bent in front of him, with his hands resting on his stomach, his head lazily leaning back against the wall looking tired.

Is this a sick joke?

"Oh, great." I mutter under my breath, shaking my head. "How the hell did you get in here?"

"I could ask you the same question." He bites back, clearly still annoyed with me even after I apologized. I'll admit I am a bit molested at him too, but I know I was wrong.

"Where are we?" I ask, pushing my hair off my forehead, looking around the cell.

"Downstairs." Niall replies. "This used to be a holding unit but it hasn't been used in many years by the looks of it." 

"How long have I been passed out in here?"

"About twenty minutes." He breathes, and I frown gazing at his half awake expression.

"Niall? What's wrong?" I ask, crawling my way over to him, ignoring the ache around my body.

"Nothing." He shakes his head. I frown and glance down at his hands, seeing a tint of blood on side of his fingers.

"Move you hands." I say, reaching out to lift them but he held them in place.

"Niall!" I scold. "Move your hands."

He lets out a heavy sigh and let's his hands slide down off his body. My lips part seeing a huge red stain on the front of his shirt below his ribs.

"What did they do to you?" I ask reaching over, lifting his shirt off his stomach revealing a deep gash, blood still coming out of the wound.

"I-" He hisses, as I reach out to inspect the wound. "I saw them carrying Elizabeth while I was walking down the hall to go look for the others. I tried to stop them but they were just too many all at once."

I frown at his guilty expression.

"It's okay, Niall." I nod at him. "We will get her back and everything will be okay. But, I need to fix you first."

He shakes his head. "There is no way I'm going to make it if we don't get out of here."

"Don't say that." I shake my head. "There is always a way. But for now, we have to keep pressure on your wound."

He nods at me as I quickly take off my hoodie and press it against his wound making him hiss once more.

"Sorry." I say scrunching up my nose.

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