3. Jealousy and Stuttering

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Author's Note

Hey loves!

I know I have not updated just been very busy and sorting out things. Hope you don't guys hate me. This is a short authors note cause I have to go but remember I love and adore you. Enjoy!! Xx

Next Update: 4 comments, 8 votes

Elizabeth's POV

We both walked through the very busy airport to catch our flight to somewhere I don't know. Harry held my hand as we each had a bag on our shoulder and a suitcase rolling behind us.

"Flight boarding to Aspen will take off in ten minutes." The women in the call system stated throughout the building.

"This is our gate." Harry says stopping and giving the women our tickets.

"We are going to Aspen?" I ask as Harry pushed his sunglasses up at the top of his head before grabbing my hand again leading us through the door down the hallway.

"Yea, I figured that maybe this time we deserve a skiing trip were we aren't broken up or crowded by our friends. Don't you?" I nod.

We both take our seats in first class and I have to say the seats are amazing. Our seats can go all the way down and look like a bed. I love it!

"Do you want to watch something?" Harry asks once we took off. I shake my head.

"No, I think I'm going to take a nap." I smile shyly at him. I push my seat back and lay down reaching up grabbing Harry's hand before closing my eyes.

After we arrived at the airport, Harry was driving us in a rented car over to our cabin. I was so excited to finally get there and especially now that I am cold. I turn my head to look out the window, smiling. The mountains were completely covered in snow. As we were crossing over a bridge, I could see other cabins spread out across the landscape. It looked like a winter wonderland and it wasn't even Christmas.

"I miss our friends." I mutter breaking our silence. I turn to look at Harry and he briefly turns giving me a smile.

"We will see them soon, baby, okay?" He reassures turning on the turn signal before turning right. "Just enjoy our honeymoon. There is no need to worry about anything."

I smile reaching over the middle console lacing my hand in his.

"Here we are." Harry announces turning off the car in front of a two story cabin. I smile and unbuckle my seat belt as Harry climbs out to get our luggage. I climb out closing the door behind me and walk over to Harry. I grabbed a few bags taking them inside.

The whole cabin was truly beautiful but the thing that I loved the most was the fireplace in our bedroom.

I walk over to the window and gazed outside seeing a couple of people walking by wearing thick jackets, warm hats and mittens; leaving a trail of foot prints in the snow behind them.

"So what would you like to do?" Harry whispers in my ear wrapping his arms around my waist pressing his lips against the skin on the side of my neck. I shudder.

I turn my head and he looks at me with soft green eyes. Gosh, he is just so cute! Ah! I giggle and peck his lips.

"Well to be honest, I'm kind of hungry." I mutter, shyly. "We didn't eat breakfast and its already lunch time."

"Okay, I'll whip up something for us to eat." He smiles kissing my cheek before walking out of the bedroom.

I walk over to my suitcase to pick out something warmer to wear. I took out a light blue pair of skinny jeans and a grey loose sweatshirt with a pair of white converse. I quickly placed them on and headed downstairs. As I walked into the kitchen, my nose is engulfed with a sweet mouthwatering aroma. I turned my head and saw Harry by the stove absentmindedly moving around making pasta.

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