70. Start of Many Things

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Elizabeth's POV

There was only a few minutes for our plane to take off. Harry was sitting beside me after placing our carry on luggage in the over head compartment of our seats.

"So at what time are we landing in Dubai?" I ask, looking away from the window, still not believing that this is actually happening.

"Around 8 a.m. The flight is approximately six hours from here."

"So I'm guessing we should spend this flight sleeping right?"

"Well, if you want to." He shrugs." You can always sleep when we get to the hotel."

"Yeah, but what would be the point in going if I'm just going to be sleeping." I counter.

"Well, I guess I brought my book for nothing." I say taking my copy of Tess of the Dubervilles off my lap before leaning over to place it inside my bag by my feet. My eyes catch glimpse of my phone and the bottom.

"Oh! We should call Niall and see how things are going with Misty." I say sitting back up dialing Niall's number to face time him.  By the second ring he answers.

"Hey!" I smile, as Niall's face pops up on the screen.

"Hey guys." He smiles back. "Are you two on your flight already?"

"Sure are." Harry replies beside me.

"We just wanted to see how Misty-"

"Niall, is that Elizabeth?" Another female voice interrupts me on the other side of the line. I watch as Niall turns his head away from the screen.

"Yeah, come here." He replies. I blink, completely confused as to who it could be. I turn my head to look at Harry and rather than being confused like me he is smiling.

What's going on?

"Hey babe!" I turn my head and see Chloe waving at me through the screen, sending me one of her usual bright smiles.

"Chloe? What are you doing there?" I smile back at her.

"We were having dinner." Niall replies, placing his hand on her shoulder as she stood beside him, and it's now that I notice Niall's kitchen cabinets in the background.

"Oh...that's great." I nod, feeling taken off guard.

I knew that when Shawn, Emily, and Chloe came to visit us a while back there was something between the two of them but I didn't think it was still going on.

"So are you two like a thing or..." I trail.

"Yes!" Chloe replies before Niall could, a grin pulling on her face. "He just asked me!"

"Aww, that's great Chloe. I'm so happy for both of you."

"Yeah, I wouldn't have asked her if it wasn't for Harry's advice." Niall interjects. "Thanks, bro."

"Anytime." Harry replies just as the flight attendant instructed for all of the passenger to turn off any electronic devices through the intercom.

"Okay well, we have to go but we will call you later. Thanks for taking care of Misty." I say.

"No problem." Niall replies back.

"Don't worry guys, she will be fine. I won't let her go while I'm here." Chloe adds making me giggle.

She always has been crazy about dogs.

After we all said our goodbyes, I turned off my phone before placing it into my bag. Leaning back in my seat, I buckle my seat belt as Harry did the same before I laced my hand in his knowing full well we were about to take off. I'm not scared of flying, it's the taking off that freaks me out a bit.

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