Turn Off the Lights (Spencer's POV)

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"I can't help that these two fucking assholes feel the way they do, and frankly, I don't give a shit. They can feel however they want to and I can't change that. They want me out of their lives, fine. Fuck you guys and goodbye," Brendon said as he stood up and walked out of my house.

I watched him leave and then I stood up and turned to Ryan and Jon.

"I hope you two are fucking happy with yourselves!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. "Who knows what he's going to do! I can't fucking believe the two of you!"

"Hey, fuck you!" Ryan yelled as he stood up as well. "We have a very credible explanation to leave the band! Brendon's become a fucking asshole and we all know it!"

"That's not fucking true!" I shouted. "Brendon is still the same person he always was! He has new things going on in his life! He can't pay attention to you every single second like you want!"

"Fucking watch it," Jon said.

"I won't!" I screamed. "Ryan and you are fucking assholes and you know it. You know that nothing has changed. Ryan just wants attention, like always! And since he can't get it from the one he wants, he's quitting! Just like he always does!"

"I don't need this fucking shit! Spencer, fuck you and Brendon. You're both assholes and I hope I never see either of you again! Fuck you!" Ryan screamed.

And with that being said, Ryan and Jon walked out. I sat back on the couch and held my head in my hands. I sat there for a good five minutes just shaking my head. After that, the door burst open.

"Spence, what the hell just happened? I heard yelling," Dallon said.

"Ryan and Jon just left Panic!," I said.

"Wait, seriously?" he asked as he sat beside me.

"Yeah. They said that it was basically all Brendon's fault and after that, Brendon walked out and I don't know where he went. I'm scared, Dallon," I said as I began to cry. "What if Brendon does something stupid again?"

"Spence, we need to go find him," Dallon said, suddenly getting very scared and concerned.

I just nodded and we both ran out the door. We both looked at each other and ran down the road. I think we both knew that checking his house first would be the logical thing to do. After about five minutes of running, we wound up at Sarah and Brendon's house. I was so scared. What if we walked in and saw Brendon dead? What if?

Dallon and I looked at each other again and walked into the house.

"Dal! He's not down here!" I shouted from the basement.

"He's not up here either!" Dallon shouted as I walked up the stairs to get to the first floor.

"Upstairs," I said.

I ran to the stairs and ran up them. I was about to walk down the hall, but then I turned and looked into their master bedroom. That's when I saw a sight I will never forget.

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