Turn Off the Lights (Brendon's POV)

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Sarah and I had finally just gotten to Spencer's house. We were so late! God, I am so good at making us late for things. I knocked on the door and Spencer opened it.

"I'm so sorry we're late!" I said.

"It's fine," Spencer said as he ushered us inside.

Sarah and I walked in as we smiled and I noticed someone turn to look at us.

"Brendon?" the person asked.

"R-Ryan?" I asked.

Holy. Shit. The person I wanted to murder years ago was now in my band... This ought to go well...

"Wait, you two know each other?" Spencer asked.

"Yeah," Ryan said. "It's a long story that I don't think him or I want to relive."

"Y-Yeah," I said as I ran a shaky hand through my hair.

"M-Maybe you'll find out someday, but that's a part of my life I regret and I want to forget about it," Ryan said.

"You regret it?" I asked.

"Oh! Lets watch boys and girls!" Jon said as he sat down.

"Yeah, I mean I was a dick and I shouldn't have done that to you or Dallon. I broke up a perfectly good relationship," Ryan said.

"My heart was broken, literally. I lost the one I loved the most back then," I said.

"I am really sorry I did that, Brendon. I don't know why I did it. It was a terrible thing to do and I regret it more than you'll ever know," he said.

"Wait, Dallon? Dallon who?" Spencer asked.

"Dallon Weekes," I replied.

"That's my buddy I was telling you about. I helped him set up a band... The Brobecks," Spencer said.

"Isn't this a small world?" I asked as I chuckled.

"Y-Yeah," Ryan said as he chuckled as well.

"You know you have to tell us the whole story now, right?" Jon asked.

"Fine," I said. "Is that alright?"

"Fine by me," Ryan said.

"Well, as all of you know, in high school I dated Dallon for about two years. One day, I went over to his house and Ryan was at his house studying with Dallon. I was jealous, obviously, but I got over it. The day before Valentine's Day, Dallon told me that he and Ryan kissed and it crushed me. I couldn't even fathom why Dallon would let it happen and then do it. I was heartbroken. Then came Valentine's Day. That infamous day... I told Dallon to meet me at Starbucks and he agreed. On the way there, I had picked up flowers for him so I was running late, but once I got there, I saw an image that repeats in my head to this very day. Ryan had Dallon pinned against the wall and he was kissing him. Then basically after that, Dallon and I fought and it led to us breaking up. I haven't seen Ryan or Dallon since then, well until now," I explained.

"Holy crap," Jon said.

"I-I didn't know that happened," Spencer said. "I am so sorry. I should have told you each each others names before, not just have you meet like this."

"Spence, it's not your fault," Ryan said. "It was my fault. I shouldn't have done any of that. I still feel terrible, and even if Brendon were to forgive me, which I don't think he ever would and I don't blame him, I would still hate myself because it really was a terrible thing to do."

"I'm not entirely mad about it anymore, I-I just want to know why you did what you did," I said.

"I kissed him because I was gay and he was the only guy that ever showed interest in me. I felt wanted and I took advantage of that too much," Ryan answered.

"I am willing to forgive you," I said.

"Seriously?" Ryan asked. "How?"

"It's in the past, and yeah, it still hurt, but it is the past, and what happens in the past, stays in the past," I said.

"Friends?" Ryan asked.

"Friends," I said. "Bring it in, man."

Ryan smiled at me and hugged me, which led to everyone else hugging us all and eventually landing on the floor.

"Well, I'm glad that's out of the way," Jon said. "I think this calls for a celebration."

"Lets go out!" Spencer suggested.

"Partay!" I shouted.

"I'm in," Ryan said.

"Lets do it!" Sarah said as she stood up and took my hand.

With that, we left and went out to a restaurant. I have to say, it feels good being friends with Ryan again, even after all that happened. It's better to forgive and forget than to live your life hating a single person. I could tell that he truly did regret it and I was happy about that. I was glad we were on good terms again.

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