Casual Affair [Part Two] (Brendon's POV)

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I finally woke up around... noon, I think. I don't even know anymore. I have a killer headache and I feel like I'm about to throw up a lung any second. As my vision came back, I looked around. I was in someone's room, probably Jon's or something. I adjusted myself on the bed, but when I put my hand down to left myself up, I hit someone. I looked down and my eyes went wide. Why am I in a bed with Ryan... Naked? Jesus, what the hell happened last night. My thoughts got interrupted by Ryan waking up and running to the bathroom. He obviously didn't realize he was also naked, because when he came back, he didn't exactly have anything on.

"Um, Ry," I said as I looked at the ceiling.

"Yeah?" he asked.

"Look down," I said.

"Shit!" he shouted as he found his pants and slid them back on. "Sorry."

"I'm sure it's nothing more than what I probably saw last night," I said.

"W-What?" he asked.

"Seriously?" I asked. "We both wake up in a bed together, naked. What do you think happened?"

"Oh," Ryan said.

"Yeah," I said.

"I-I'm sure I liked it," he said.

I laughed and smiled at him. Before I knew it, I found myself making out with Ryan again. I don't know what came over me, I just couldn't help myself. Ryan seemed to be enjoying himself as well. After a few minutes, something came over me.

"Shit!" I said.

"Jesus!" Ryan said. "What?"

"Do you know what this means?" I asked.

"No?" he asked.

"This means that I just cheated on Sarah! I can't do that to her!" I said.

"O-Oh," he said. "Brendon, I'm so sorry. This is all my fault."

"Ry, it's not your fault," I said. "I mean we were drunk like hell, so she'll understand, right?"

"Hopefully," he said.

"Y-Yeah," I said.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

"No," I said. "I really want to kiss you again."

And so I did. There was something about Ryan Ross I couldn't get out of my head. I wanted to kill him, but now I was making out with him. God, I am a horrible person, and I really need to get my priorities straight. I can't keep doing this to Sarah, but what about Ryan? God... What's wrong with me?

*A/N* Welcome to all you Ryden fans xD I had too xD~

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