But It's Better If You Do (Ryan's POV)

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Well, that hurt. I was starting to like Brendon that way, and I know he's with Sarah, but I still wanted to be with him. This sucks... It's like the day or two before Valentine's Day all over again...

"You ok, Ryro?" Brendon asked, snapping me back to reality.

"Yeah," I lied.

"No you're not," he said.

"I-I just- How do I put this," I said.

"Just tell me," he said.

"I really like you Brendon, and I know you're with Sarah, but I want to be with you," I said.

"Ry, I like you too and I want to be with you, but I am in love with Sarah," Brendon said. "We can still be friends like Spencer said. That is better than nothing."

"You know what?" I said. "You're right."

"As usual," he said as he smiled.

"Smartass," I said as I laughed.

"So, ready to go face the world as friends?" he asked.

"Sure," I said as I smiled and stood up.

Brendon stood up too and kissed my cheek, which made me smile again. We walked out of what we knew what the guest bedroom now and walked down the hall to the living room.

"Fuckers!" Brendon yelled as we walked in.

"Jesus!" Patrick and Joe shouted as they put their hands on their chest.

"Fuck you asshole," Pete said.

"You're a little bitch," Jon and Spencer said.

"I love you guys too," Brendon said. "Geez."

I just laughed at everyone and sat down on the couch. Brendon eventually sat next to me, while Pete and Patrick sat on the love seat and Joe, Jon, and Spencer sat on the floor.

"So, I think I speak for everyone when I say that I am never partying like this again for a long time," I said. "Emphasis on the 'long'."

"I agree," Pete said. "This is the worst hangover ever."

"Agreed," everyone else said.

We all talked for a few more minutes and then there was a knock at the door. Brendon was closest to the door, so he got up and opened it.

"Sarah!" he shouted as he engulfed her in a hug.

"Hey baby," Sarah said as she kissed his cheek.

"You have fun last night with the girly friends?" Brendon asked as he closed the door behind them both.

"Yeah," Sarah said. "Partied a little too much though."

"Join the club," I said as I laughed. "I think this is the worst hangover all of us have ever had."

"That's an understatement," Patrick said.

All of us laughed again and we spent a good hour or two talking before Pete called Andy to bring the car back. Once Andy arrived, Pete, Patrick, and Joe piled in and they left to go home and rest. Jon eventually left as well, leaving Spencer, Brendon, Sarah, and I at Spencer's house. We talked about everything under the sun and eventually wound up falling asleep around eleven, which obviously means we stayed the night... Again. Crazy couple days... Just wow...

*A/N* Ok, I know this chapter and the last chapter sucked and I'm sorry :( I'm trying, but I'm still getting ideas. I still really hope that you all like them though~

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