This is Halloween [Part Two] (Brendon's POV)

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Oh. My. God. Ok, Dallon's mom just said he could spend the night. I blushed when I said that last sentence and I think he noticed. He was so adorable when he did that. Brendon, he's not gay. Stop thinking about him like that! But I haven't actually talked to him about all of that at all, so what if he is? Brendon, stop getting your hopes up. You're not that likable anyway...

"So what are we going to do?" Dallon asked, snapping me out of my daze. 

"What?" I said. "Oh, well, what do you want to do?" 

"It's your house," he said as he smiled. "You choose." 

"But you're the guest," I said. 

"Don't put this all on me!" he said. 

"Aw, why not, Dal? It's funny watching you freak out," I said as I laughed and most likely blushed again.  

"Stop," Dallon said as he playfully punched my shoulder.  

"I don't think so," I said as I punched him back.  

"I see how it is," he said as he hit me with a pillow. 

"This means war!" I shouted as I pushed him onto the floor and hit him with a pillow.

We had a good fifteen minute pillow fight and only managed to break a glass that was on the table. Yeah, I felt accomplished. After we cleaned up a little, we made some popcorn and put in a movie. Inglorious Bastards to be exact. It was one of my favorite movies. As far as I know, Dallon liked it too, or at least I hope he did. About halfway through the movie, Dallon asked me something I didn't think would come up. Ever.

"Hey Brendon," he said. 

"Yeah?" I asked. 

"Have you e-ever thought about if you could be g-gay?" he asked.

I hesitated for a moment before opening my mouth.

"I've thought about it, I mean I think a guy is cute, but he probably doesn't feel the same or wouldn't be willing to do anything," I said. 

"W-who is he, if I can ask?" Dallon asked.

Once again, I hesitated before I spoke. What if I told him and he was totally grossed out and never talked to me again? Brendon, shut up. You and him have been best friends for like seven years. Just tell him.

"Y-You," I stuttered out.

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