Casual Affair [Part One] (Pete's POV)

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Oh. My. God. What the hell happened last night? I put my hand on my head and groaned. I looked around as my vision became clearer and realized I was naked... In a bed... With Patrick next to me. I closed my eyes and shook my head. Not a good idea there, Pete. I felt sick, so I ran to the bathroom and emptied my stomach for what seemed like forever. Once I was finally done, I walked back into god who knows whose room and sat on the bed. Patrick woke up a few minutes later.

"Oh god," he groaned. "What the fuck happened last night?"

"Great question," I said. "I've been trying to figure that out myself."

"Shit," Patrick said as he got up and ran to the bathroom just as I did.

I followed after him and rubbed his back while he threw up. After he was done, he just sat on the bathroom floor, which was probably a good idea.

"God, it hurts so bad to sit," he said as his face scrunched with pain.

"Wait, what?" I asked.

"I said that it hurts to sit," he said again.

"Fuck," I said.

"What?" he asked.

"I-I think I just figured out what happened last night," I said.

"What?" Patrick asked again.

"Well, put two and two together here," I said. "I wake up naked, in a bed, next to you. You wake up, also naked, and now you say it hurts to sit. If that doesn't scream we fucked, I don't know what does."

"Oh," Patrick said. "I-I'm sure it was fun. I wish I remember it."

I just looked at him and laughed, but smiled too. I'm sure it really was fun. I obviously wanted to remember the first time I screwed Patrick, but I'm still sure it was fun. My thoughts got interrupted by Patrick... Throwing up yet again. I don't think any of us will party this hard for a while now..

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