This is Halloween [Part One] (Dallon's POV)

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*A/N* Since in this story Dallon and Brendon are two years apart, Dallon is fifteen and Brendon is thirteen~

"Brendonnnnnn," I whined.  

"Whatttttt?" Brendon asked through the bathroom door. 

"Are you almost done? I've been waiting out here for fifteen minutes!" I said loudly.  

"Oh, calm down, Dal," he said.

There was something about his voice that always calmed me down, even when I was really upset with him. This wasn't one of those times when I was really upset with him, but you get what I'm saying. Brendon finally came out of the bathroom about two minutes later.

"Looking good," I said as he spun around to allow me to get the full effect of his vampire costume.  

"Thanks Dal," he said as he smiled.

God, he looked really good and his smile was perfect. Wait, Dallon. Stop. You're not gay and you're not falling for your best friend. Shut the hell up.

"So, with that being said, lets go," Brendon said. 

"With what being said?" I asked, realizing that I hadn't heard a word he said.  

"What I just said," Brendon said. "You weren't listening again, were you?" 

"No," I said as I blushed.  

"I explained where we were going to go trick or treating. I know all the rich neighborhoods and where to get the best candy, so lets go!" Brendon said. "You got it this time?" 

"Yes," I said as I blushed again. 

"You're too cute," Brendon said as he laughed and rushed down the stairs.

Um, whoa. Did he just say I was cute? Dallon, stop, again. He's just saying that because you blushed like an idiot. Stop taking things out of context.  

I snapped back to reality and rushed after Brendon, tripping on the last step.

"Brendon!" I screamed. 

"Gotcha!" Brendon said as he caught me just before I hit the floor.  

"Thanks," I said as I smiled at him.  

"I can't let you die on Halloween, man," he said as he laughed and pulled me up.

Now really, with that being said, we left his house and hit the town. We walked for about ten minutes before I finally spoke up.

"Bden, we've been walking forever. Where the heck are these rish neighborhoods you're talking about?" I asked. 

"Only another five minutes, I swear!" Brendon responded.

And he was right. After another five minutes of walking, we wound up in the rich part of town and hit all the houses that had their lights on, which was most of them. After we had finished there, Brendon said he knew about another good part of town. I only smiled and followed after him.  

Lets just say that Brendon really did know his way around town and where the good stuff was. By the time we were done trick or treating, we each had a big bagful of candy, including some king size candy bars from the rich parts of town.

"This was the best Halloween ever," I said as we walked into Brendon's house. 

"You know it!" Brendon said as he plopped down on the couch. "Hey, can you stay the night? My parents are at a Halloween party and they said you could stay if you wanted to." 

"I'll ask my mom," I said as I grabbed my phone from my pocket.

I walked into the kitchen and dialed my mom's number. After three rings, she finally picked up.

"Dallon?" she answered. 

"Hey mom," I said. "Is it alright if I stay at Brendon's for the night?" 

"You have school tomorrow, hun," she said. 

"I know and I already have my book bag and Brendon's clothes fit me, so that wouldn't be a problem," I said. "I promise we'll be all ready for school tomorrow." 

"Alright, fine. Don't make me regret this! Please be respectful and behave!" she said. 

"I promise, mom! Thank you!" I said. 

"You're welcome, now go have some fun. Love you," she said. 

"Love you too, bye," I said as I hung up.

I walked back into the living room and jumped next to Brendon, which scared the crap out of him.

"Ok, I think I just died," he said. 

"You're already dead," I stated. 

"Smartass," he said as he rolled his eyes. "Anyway, what's the verdict?" 

"I can stay, but I have to be ready for school and be on time so my mom doesn't regret her decision," I said. 

"Awesome!" Brendon said as he high-fived me. "This is going to be an awesome night!"

I noticed he blushed at his last sentence, but I blew it off, but when he blushed, he was adorable. God dammit, Dallon! Seriously, stop thinking about Brendon. You're not even gay, nor is he! It's not like you have a real chance with him anyway. All the girls practically throw themselves at him, so he's bound to choose one of them one of these days...

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