Nails for Breakfast Tacks for Snacks (Dallon's POV)

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Brendon had just left my house and walked outside to start walking home. I stood in the window and watched him. He eventually stopped in the middle of the street and I knew he was crying. I am so fucking stupid. I hurt the one I love the most. After Brendon started walking again, I sat back on the couch and cried. Why am I such a stupid fuck? I can't stand when I hurt people I love, but Brendon hurts ten times more because I've loved him for so long. I really hope what I did doesn't ruin what we have. I can't live without him. He's my everything and I love him to death.
I got out my phone and texted Ryan.

"Ryan, I still want to be your friend, but what happened tonight can never happen again. I told Brendon and he forgave me, but when he left to go home, he stopped in the middle of the street and cried. Ry, I can't hurt him like that ever again. I'm so sorry and I still want to be your friend, but it cannon happen again," I texted.
"I understand and I'm really sorry. I should not have kissed you in the first place. I just couldn't help myself. I've like you ever since I met you and I saw my opportunity. I am really sorry, Dallon and it won't happen again," he replied a few minutes later.
"Still friends?" I asked.
"Yeah, he replied.

I put my phone down and breathed a sigh of relief, but I really hope it doesn't happen again. I walked up to my room and grabbed a pair of pajamas. I took a quick shower, which just resulted in my crying more, then got out and got dressed. I went to bed around midnight, but I couldn't stop thinking about Brendon and how much I had hurt him. He may have forgiven me, but there's no way I could forgive myself.

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