The Piano Knows Something I Don't Know (Brendon's POV)

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All of us were talking for a few minutes when there was a knock at the door.

"Who's that?" I asked as Spencer got up.

"You'll see," Spencer said as he opened the door.

I got up from where I was sitting and looked behind the door.

"Pete!" I shouted as I ran towards him and attacked him with a hug that knocked him flat on his ass.

"Oh god!" Pete shouted.

"Golden," Joe said as he put his phone away from recording us.

"Dick," I said as I laughed and helped Pete up. "So I take it that this was the whole 'you'll see' thing?"

"Yes sir," Spencer said as he closed the door behind all of them.

"Pete!" Ryan shouted. "H-How's it going, man?"

"Whoa there Ryro!" Pete said as he waved his hand in front of his face. "How much did you guys let him drink?"

"I'll tell you what I told Spencer," I said. "Enough to loosen him up!"

"Got it," Pete said as he laughed.

"Well, lets get this party started!" Joe said. "Hand me a beer!"

"Coming in hot!" Jon said as he threw Joe a beer.

"Thanks Jon!" he said.

"Patrick," I said.

"Yes?" he asked.

"Want a beer?" I asked.

"Aw, why the hell not? It's a special occasion!" Patrick said.

"Atta boy!" I said as I gave him a beer.

"Mind if I...?" Pete asked as he grabbed a beer.

"Not at all!" Spencer said. "Help yourself!"

"Don't mind if I do," I said as I grabbed my third beer.

"Bden," Spencer said as he laughed.

We all sat and talked and goofed around. Ryan was passed out after the third beer he had at Spencer's. I don't even remember how many he had before we got here. Jon was next. He was out after five beers. Spencer had only had about three or four, but he was still awake and whatnot. Patrick was already six beers in, but still going strong. Pete had god who knows how many, but he was still all good. Really really drunk like Patrick and I, but still good. Joe was in his own little world, which kept us all occupied by laughing at him. Andy was sitting on the chair laughing his ass off at all of us acting like drunk idiots. I don't know whose idea it was, but somehow we all thought that it'd be a great idea to play truth or dare.

"Ok, ok, ok, ok," I said.

"Jesus! Spit it out Bren!" Joe said as he laughed and nearly fell off the couch.

"Alright!" I shouted. "I-I dare Pete to m-make out with Patrick f-for a minute. I think... Yeah! A minute!"

"Don't mind if I do!" Pete said as he stood up, straddled Patrick, and then began to kiss him.

"OHHH!" I shouted as I laughed.

"Ok, ok, while they're doing that," Spencer said. "Brend-Brendon, I dare you to g-grind against Ryan for a minute."

"How can I say no to that?" I asked as I got up and walked over to who I thought was Ryan.

"Brendon," Andy said. "Ryan's over there."

Everyone looked at me and burst into laughter, even Pete stopped kissing Patrick because they both started laughing.

"Whoops!" I said as I laughed and got off of Andy. "This is better."

I started to grind against Ryan. After a good forty seconds, he woke up, surprisingly. He opened his eyes. He just stared at me.

"Brendon, what are y-you doing?" he asked in slurred words.

"A dare," I said, not stopping my grinding.

"C-Can I help with this dare?" he asked.

"Ask Spencer," I said.

"Spence?" Ryan asked.

"Alright! Stop pressuring me!" Spencer said as he laughed. "I dare Ryan to make out with Brendon for as long as he wants."

"Fine by me!" Ryan said as he grabbed my face and kissed me.

I was completely out of it, but the part of me that wasn't completely gone yet liked what Ryan was doing. I picked my head up for a second and looked over at everyone. Pete and Patrick were still making out, and I'm sure their minute was definitely over. Joe was finally passed out and Spencer was talking about something with Andy. I looked back at Ryan and kissed him again. After that, I blacked out...

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