49. sea demon junior - 24/7

14 3 10

wELL I got up at 9:50 this morning so that's okay I didn't sleep through the whole year (psssh I wish)

so I didn't rlly do much today bye.

reader: umm-

me: *walks back in* ha ha *grabs taco* couldn't forget this.. CIAO!!

lol kiddin

so this morning I went driving with the father since I'm going for my learner license in two weeks *cough* s.hit *cough*

and I actually did a 3 point turn and it was pretty scary cause I thought I was gonna reverse into a ghost or something y'know

can't be too careful kiddies

then after the lesson we went to the Warehouse to get chlorine for our pewl

LMAO aka the spa no one uses OOp

but while we were there I saw some very.. interesting things.

like some pink sea demon junior goggles.

yea so-

WTFFFF uhm sea. demon. junior.

can you imagine doing a commercial for those LMAOO


*over enthusiastic white male voice*

the sea demon junior goggles are the perfect pair of underwater eye protection for your child! equipped with special scientific lenses that make your child look like a demon from hell!!

what's not to love about that???

and with special anti fog material your 6-14 year old can roam the swamp with maximum vision! plus they're pink!! perfect for when they want to make the other kids s.hit in the pool, while still looking stylish!

so buy the new sea demon junior goggles today, only $28.99! what a bargain!!!

*winks at camera*

Welp that was my attempt lmao

BUT after that we came home and I flopped on the bed and did nothing else but watch random YouTube videos minding my business.

BUT Of couRsE that didn't last long and my mother entered the building screaming at me to make pancakes since that's one of my chores lmao

ikr good deal for me

so I made some 10/10 pancakes and spread melted chocolate on them omGggGGgG

so good man

Jesus these past two weeks have been a cheat day TBH

I need to stop *doesn't stop*

I'm probably gonna get obese soon or develop diabetes it's not even funny tbH



but it's a fake one damnit

lol I was bored asf so I made a YouTube review video about it LMAO RANDOMMM

buts it's never gonna be posted soooooooo

you'll never see anything *wiggly hands*

it's KOURT k btw

*black glasses fall from above* hella fr€$h raps dude I told u I was a rap god #lil Log returns

bUt anywho as I was saying it's purple and I'm rlly fair skinned lmao so vampire vibes yas Winnie where u at gurl. it's more Mariana's colour tho but she isn't a vamp ;)


but ya it's pre decent until an hour later and it's blotchy asF lmao or if u eat anything or drink anything it comes off a bit so y'know but it's a pretty colour


I legit asked her "hey if I was coming to the supermarket w u guys would you let me wear it"
and she was like "no"

Oh BOY thANks MoM

ThanKS FoR leTTIng Me EXprEss MySeLf WoOah lOV YOu


but ya they all went to the supermarket or GROCERY STORE so I filmed it when they were gone lol

AnyWay I'm gonna end it here lol gn snug bugs


Since its back to school tomorrow I'm probably gonna do what ppl do with vlogs and post the chapter from that day the next morning just so there's not pressure for that exact day. Plus I mean I won't have one everyday.... smh that whole paragraph is pointless ^^^ wtf is wrong w my brain cause I'll just post whenever I want... smh Logan

Not gonna delete that ^ cause #memories lmao nah I just CBF lol


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