Chapter thirty three - 15/6

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Yas it's Wednesday today, that means..



hella yeah bro.

but I woke up this morning and mom was cranky cause I didn't fold my papers and so she was all crazy and everyone was yelling and I was just like "nope."

but yah

today at school was pretty boring TBH, school is school we all struggle thru that shit and barely pass, unless you're super smart omg congrats you're amazing. so yea I think it's about time to drop out and become a stripper yah know?


anyway I'm pissed at my date for formal cause he still doesn't have a damn suit like boi get ur shiz together or I'll smack you k.

Not gonna say my schedule for today cause I cbfffff

so last period I had science and Lei sits in a 2 desk with a buddy to the right of her that faces the board. then I face Lei with no buddy to the right. lol

So I was engrossed with writing my chapter for bloodlust cause I haven't updated in ages and yea ha ha

So so so I think I heard them talking about Lei's neck or some shiz and throughout class she hand her hand over her neck, it looked like she was just leaning on it but bish ik whut u upto *does the I'm watching you peace sign in eyeballs thing 50 times*

She took her hand away ONCE like legit once and I was watching her like a hawk cause I was interested.

Like cmon ppl it's obviously either a hickey or a vampire bite okay. OKAY.

So yep I'm pretty sure it was two hickeys and I internally gasped cause she's like... how do I say this...

she's not a person who would have a hickey on the norm.

like for Petes sake she wasn't allowed to date until 16 and then it was bought down to 15 by her strict-carpool dad.

smh girl control ur boyfriend or ur gonna get caught ffs sloppy bish

when I get a boyf- *coughs loudly* .. I meant if I get a boyfriend I would not do that shit in plain sight where ur STRICT ASF dad could see it so he has a motive to load his shotgun Jesus man

some ppl I swear


but yea Lei was being a grouch today and she barely acknowledged my breathing corpse so y'know that's FINE totally FINE.

after school my mom picked me and my bro up which was surprising cause I was getting prepared to catch a bus only to throw myself under it. but that's cool too mom cheers

I watched the walking dead mid season finale of season 4 omg.. I.. can't

yea sums it up

Lol my mom went freaking crazy it was weird man I was beginning to fear for my life

I also got a super sore stomach during school like it felt as if Godzilla was trying to tap dance in there omfg


Legit as soon as I got home I put on my long pink checkered Pj pants (they're cute I swear) and a navy with gray spots long sleeved pj top.

All of a sudden my older brother comes home and I was in the lounge looking like trash in my Pyjamas.

Now usually on football night he brings home J so I was like "oH my f King g o d"

I tiptoed to the hallway and peered around and him and mom were talking and I didn't hear any other voices so I was like "oh yea coast is #clear"

bitch u thought.


I'm in my pjs. looking like trash. I probs looked like that spongebob caveman emoji. again. fuck.

Hope you had a good day ily all!! :)


*sighs deeply* y tf am I alive bro

anyway I might potentially have the next chapter up for bloodlust sometime tonight so look out for that lol

(lmao more convos w my bff) I cri


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