Chapter twenty two - 22/5

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I awoke by the sound of my mothers voice calling out to me. "Logan? Logan are you awake?" She came into my room and I kept my eyes closed, pretending to be asleep. I felt her presence near the bed and she called my name once more, touching my cheek. She finally left, leaving me alone in my room.

I cracked open my eyes, rubbing away the sleep. Turning around in my bed I look at the clock.


My clock is still an hour ahead because I haven't changed it since daylight savings. So it was actually 11:35am. I lay beneath my warm white sheets and stare at the ceiling.

I still have English homework to do, I did most of my art yesterday. I also have to deliver the circulars of my paper round.

Kill me now.

I reach my hand out for my phone next to the clock and flip it over, clicking the home button.

A few snapchats from the same person, an update on Wattpad and something on Pinterest.

Woah I'm popular.

I decide to leave the snapchats and the Pinterest notification, knowing I'll check it later to get rid of the pesky red 1 in the corner of the app.

Clicking Wattpad I wait for it to load the home page before tapping my profile. Refreshing the page I look to see if I gained any reads on my stories overnight.


I blow out a breath, ready to throw my phone across the room. I refresh it again; just incase.

Still nothing.

I mentally curse and go to the news feed/notifications page and read the update of one of the stories in my library.

Once I was finished I didn't know what to do, there was nothing to do.

Except homework, more art homework, update Bloodlust, take a shower, actually live my life.

Yup. Nothing to do.

I felt like a fatass. I have one of the unhealthiest diets and I do nothing about it cause hey, I'm a teenager. So yesterday morning for breakfast I had pancakes. With chocolate syrup.

Okay strike 1.

I can't even remember what I had for lunch yesterday what. the heck. I think all this sugar and fat is killing my brain cells. I had... something unhealthy? Most likely anyways. And then for dinner I had a donut and pizza in a mug.

(Look it up its a thing)

And chips from the fish and chip shop and another, real donut.

So... I'm probably going to die at 23.

Today for lunch I had a burger from bk, an ice cream sandwich and air for breakfast. Yeah..

I need a salad.

But it's bad cause I'm still skinny, so I guess I have a fast metabolism. Yeah so hate me for being the girl that eats a lot of junk and still looks like I eat salads and leafy stuff.

So after I got up from my bed and went downstairs, which is when I ate my burger, my parents then left to go to the grocery store.

I was still in my pyjamas and looking like I got hit by a truck. Twice.

I was not in the mood to take a shower, or do anything for that matter. So I went back to bed. Not to sleep, but just go on my phone and waste away my Sunday.

I was also searching trade me for puppies.

I've always wanted a puppy for, forever really. And it's sorta like a mood swing when I get really desperate for one for maybe a week and then I do it silently. Then that cycle again, pleading my parents, getting a no, getting angry and fudged off.

So yeah, I want a puppy. More specifically a Pomeranian.

I've been watching this one puppy for two whole days, and it's the cutest wee thing.

I showed my Dad and he said it looks like a wolf, even more reason to get it then Dad.

But they just won't give in so I stay constantly pissed off.

Sooner than I'd hoped, I heard the back door open, signalling my parents arrival back home. This also signalled my time to go outside and do my circulars.

I was not happy about that let me tell you.

I grabbed my headphones in a huff, pulling a sweatshirt over my pyjama top and walking out the door blasting music in my ears.

As I was delivering I passed a small park and saw two young boys swinging on the swings.

I looked away and continued walking, feeling annoyed that I'm not able to be happy like they are.

I stole another glance as I was directly opposite them, but on the other side of the road. One of the boys waved his hands at me and I almost stopped.

Was he waving at me?

I took two seconds to wave back and it made a small smile form on my face.

When I got home I took off the sweatshirt and laid on my couch, the anger catching up again.

I took out my phone and checked Wattpad, refreshing my profile to find a few more reads had popped up...


This was my first time fully trying to write in story sorta language so yeah, hope you enjoyed!


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