Chapter seven - 5/2

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Oh my actual fricking g o d

Okay so I just had my first day at school.

It technically wasn't but yesterday was only 2 hours so it's hardly a day. But yeah today was terrible.

It started off with a 2 hour assembly which made me get major leg and butt cramp, while we were listening to some Maori men talk about whatever cause we couldn't understand any of what the were waffling on about. It was like a welcome for the new year nines and all the new students who are starting this year (there are 11 new year 11s lol) But yeah I sat with some of my form mates, we are more like class friends and have separate groups outside class but yeah.

So then after the whole welcome assembly we were let off for morning break, in which I had to ran around looking for my "friends" so I could have someone to sit with. I basically just follow them cause I wanna not look like a loner lol so they think I'm some desperate loner when I actually I'm using them lollllll

I mean there's a whole back story to what happened, like I was best friends with them and we had a tight group but then another girl came and basically turned them all on me. It also happened in year 6 so I basically was super fucked up about it.

ik it's so sad please cry for me 1 comment = 1 support

and so we had this huge fight and I went to the library for ages and sat by myself and was alone and yea they sat away from me in class like I had a disease and I cried a lot. This all happened from like middle of last year to now. I mean they aren't mean anymore but they just don't talk to me, like only one girl still talks to me now and the rest just put up with me being there.

I'm not blind though, I can tell that behind my back they make fun of me, especially (the girl who came in and turned them on me, I'll call her "Stella") So Stella is the biggest bitch of the South. Sorry it didn't have that b vibe going on lol

So yah now I have to follow them around and sit with them and not speak unless spoken to otherwise if I just speak they look at me like "oh yea, she's here" so yea

After morning break I went to my first class which was art and my teacher was pretty nice and we talked about the theme for the year etc. I had only one girl in that class that I'm sorta friends with.

Next class was food :D

The teacher was nice and we did some book stuff. Once again I had no friends in that class. Like don't get me wrong I knew everyone but like we aren't friends. You get me? yea

Then it was lunch so I had to scamper up to the locker room and exchange books and then I found the group so I followed them to the field and we had lunch.

Then I had science with the teacher I had last year. He's really nice but he's sorta not really good at making us work but whatever. I had a few ppl I know, 2 of my form buddies but that was it and yeah.

I have none of my "friends" in any of my classes so I can already tell that once school starts getting into the year they'll drop me faster than a hot potato.

That's literally what I am tho

But yeah my day was pretty shitty and I told mum that and she yelled and told me to get new friends but I've tried. It's always only temporary and I can't force myself on ppl so idk what to do rn. She's kinda just pushing my problems back in my face so eh


This was kinda long, def longer than most of my chapters so yeah.

Comment if you wanna be friends lol help meee

- Logan ):

{Not so} Daily whinesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora