Chapter twenty seven - 31/5

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Waking up with a start I slowly get up from my bed.


While it's not Monday, it was still only the second day of the week, which meant I had to suffer through 3 whole days after this one.

Pulling off the warm sheets I sighed and started to get lazily dressed. My mother was screaming at me as per usual.


"I'm up! Jesus." She had a tendency to call out until I replied that I was in fact, awake.

Grabbing my phone from my desk I glance at the small laptop next to it. Overthinking it, I decided to leave it at home. The positive side of taking to to school would be bigger access to Wattpad, but the negative side..

It's not an apple MacBook.

Almost every single girl in my year had one, whether it was a pro or an air. If I even thought to take out that laptop in class, I would 100% get made fun of. I wasn't going to take my chances.

Throughout the day I just tried my best to listen in class, not that I got much work done. It was cold today and wet from the rain.

During science I almost fell asleep. That being because I stayed up until 2am last night trying to read 'Mortalis || ir.'

It's one of the best series I've read, and I was enjoying reading it, but I was already up to the third and final book. That didn't stop me from trying to read it all in one night.

Then all too soon I was biting on my lip to keep myself from bursting into laughter. The video (the one in this chapter) played back in my head and I almost couldn't control myself.

Tom had shown it to me and we must've watched it about 10 times, all of which we watched while bursting into laughter.


The final bell finally rang and I picked up the pace so I could meet my mum outside. She was picking me up as usual but it was raining.

Don't get me wrong I love rain, but when I have to walk in it, nope. So by the time I got to the car I was wet and not very happy about it.

As soon as I got home I slipped into my long sleeve pjs and went downstairs to grab some food. Then I remembered the hot chocolate packet I had hidden from Tom, and I decided now would be the perfect time to use it.

The jug that boils the water has a firm lid, so when I tried pulling it off it would hardly budge.

"Mummmm how to I take this off?"

"Just rip it off."


Five seconds later the jug was open and so was my finger. My nails were sharp enough and so when I pulled the lid off, I did it with such force that my thumbnail pierced my index finger, leaving a cut with blood slowly making its way to the surface.

Yeah just rip it off. Okay mum.


Semi short but this is basically the 3rd chapter today haha




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