Chapter thirty one - 13/6

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the formal is in less than 2 weeks

I repeat

the formal is in less than 2 WEEKS


I booked a spray tan and I'm so goddamn nervous for how it's gonna turn out like I don't wanna look like freakin Donald trump!!

Breathe hoe breathe

Ughhhh so I had a pretty avo weekend TBH

I watched TWD, like I actually started watching from where I left off finally

So now I'm upto season 5 episode 8 or 9 and bsnddgsjsbbsvdhdhdjnjdjdd


I also had to work on my whole damn geography essay and lemme tell you that was a freakin mission man. I worked on that for 3 hours straight and that is a big deal for me. No kidding.

Soooo I'm pretty sure that was a bust but it's only 3 credits and if I get an achieved it won't affect my overall grade.

Well I flipping hope it doesn't
*cracks knuckles*

ha ha yeah :)

btw I got an excellence in my science and a merit in my English speech. R U PROUD MOM?!?! can I get a puppy as reward pls

ALSO I opened a cover shop!!

hahah but yea so if y'all need a cover go check that out its on my account and ya lemme start making a cool cover. I also make trailers like the bloodlust one so if y'all wanna a trailer I could make one too

I'm such a help to the Wattpad community hella yas

LMAOOOOOOO that convo I attached is me + my bff on a daily basis (purple=me btw)

we're major goals ok. major goals.

Overall I don't have much to say for this chapter cause I have a boring life hehe

but I guess I could tell u my struggles.

Like I think I'm obsessed w Wattpad cause I legit refresh my page every 0.2 seconds to see if anyone commented or voted or read or ANYTHING on my account and stories.

And 2 ppl unfollowed me I was so upset like why man ;( I thought we had a CONNECTION. a BOND. a lifetime of FRIENDSHIP ahead of us.

I guess not..

*flips the bird* lol luv u

I'm so dead rn tho cause it was -1 degrees Celsius this morn.

-1 degrees



yea so I'm gonna make a petition that kids shouldn't go to school if it's under 3 degrees cause that is DANGEROUS TO OUR HEALTH.

so sign my petition w the pink sparkly pen and join the cold kid club.


Not much to say today

*sighs* Lil Log please stay in the corner and stop ruining my authors notes with your shitty rhymes

-Lil Log

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