Chapter twenty four - 25/5

15 2 8

oH My GoD

literally lmaoing like so hard that it's literally gone. poof my ass is gone cause I laughed too hard.. not that I had one anyway so..


So, say what's up you hoe (AYY did u get it?? no? oh.) *le sigh* "hey what's up hello.."

oH I get it ha ha! It doesn't even sound cool ffs *rolls eyes*

uhmm.. umm

I think I'm on some sort of drugs this evening?? Girl what the frick frack scooby snack did you put in my carnival supa shake?!

Alright so allow me to fill you in on today's events..


I swear I pay him too much smh


My head was aching, for the first time in a while getting up at 7:27am was a tiring struggle. Some people would gasp and horridly scream at that but since I've had to deal with it since the start of the year, my body had become used to it.

However now I was going to bed even later than normal. I'm talking 1:30-3am. Then the next night it's slightly earlier at 1am, and the cycle just carries on like a line of falling dominoes.

So I was tired.

I really could not be bothered going to school, my hair was greasy, my face was not accepting the makeup I put on it and I just looked like plain trash.

Quoting a previous chapter I thought to myself, "so I actually had to get out of bed looking like the perfect description of a bag of trash and deliver myself to the junkyard."

Ahh the fetus days.. are still in motion.

After downing in my own self pity for awhile I decided to actually make myself some breakfast since I was starving to death in my own home. Forgetting about the toast for a second, I slumped into the bathroom and tied up my hair.

What a mess.

My hair was greasy. I absolutely despise having greasy hair because it makes me feel unsanitary or gross. On other people it's like, "yeah that's a bit rank wash your hair" but if they wanna rock that deep fried pony tail then they can. Just saying.

After a squished car ride and a few words said I finally arrived at school.

Tapping the app on my phone I check my timetable for the day.

Break 1
Break 2

I internally groaned. At the moment I had an internal for almost all of my subjects. So far with maths I was doing very bad, so I would most likely be getting a not achieved.

After struggling through the day barely grasping my sanity it was time to go home.

Mum 👩🏼
Text message

I opened my phone with a swipe and checked the message.

We're going to the mall to do a few things.

I groaned and walked the length of the road towards my Mum's parked car. My brother wasn't there leaving me to raise my eyebrow in confusion.

"Where's Tom?"

She didn't reply to me, too engrossed with something on her phone.

I rolled my eyes and started again. "Mum. Where's Tom?"

"He didn't go to school because he had a sore stomach." She didn't even look up, finally putting down her phone and starting the car.

I couldn't believe it. I currently had a sore stomach which had been going on for the past few days. "Perfect example of the young vs middle child," I mumbled in annoyance.

For the whole car ride I was listening to music, until we got to the wretched mall.

Getting out of the car we walked to the bank.

It took half an hour longer than expected. Maybe, I wasn't really watching the time. It was a long time.

Finally when we exited the bank I asked to get a shake from Wendy's since I was starving. She agreed and we walked over to stand in line. While we were standing there I was looking around and just happened to spot a guy from my old school.

Not just any guy however. He was my ex boyfriend. I immediately averted my eyes and pretending to be so interested in my mum paying for the drinks. She was taking years to pay, scanning two different cards and by that point he made his way over. With his grandma.

I could not take that and immediately speed walked away as soon as I was able to.

"I'm just going to get some buns," Mum decided to tell me last minute.

I hesitantly looked back towards the Wendy's to see him looking. I cursed under my breath and looked away but not for long before I saw him making his way my way with his grandma by his side.

Shit. Shit. SHIT.

Turning to face the counter, which wasn't in an actual shop, but along the mall sort of thing.

I heard him go past and held my breath, trying to act cool and not die on the spot.

When he was gone we left the mall and I finally breathed a sigh of relief. However I was going back to the mall tomorrow after school, so I was crossing my fingers he wouldn't be there again.

"Hey Mum y'know that guy I dated in year 8? Yeah I just saw him with his Grandma."

She laughed but I don't remember what she replied because I was too busy with my own thoughts..


This is probs rlly rushed cause it's actually the 26th rn but I fell asleep trying to write this last night lol

I'm still at school but in like an hour I'm going to the mall, please pray he's not there omg


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