Chapter sixteen - 24/4

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I'm trying so hard to write a book rn and I just..


yeah that pretty much sums up my emotions

omg is anyone proud that I updated like I promised?! *crickets*



Well okay so it's currently Sunday, aka. the last day of my holiday *sobs*

I still have a week basically but I have stage challenge all day erry day from 10-3 so blergh

I'm actually so behind with my life rn like the train has left the station and I'm still trying to run after it with two broken legs. heh

I'm turning 16- *party music blares and disco balls come out of nowhere* in a couple of months and so my parentals are pressuring me to read the road code so I can go for my learner license asap

So I gotta learn the bajillion rules of driving an automobile and I also have my goddamn formal coming up which I'm not really excited for.

My dress had these low ass boob cups so I had to take them *cough* I mean my mum had to take them to a dressmaker so she could make them higher so they're actually fit for purpose.

I mean seriously MACYS how could any person have boobs that saggy?

No idea.

So my dress is getting fixed, I have to wear in my heels so I don't break my neck when I take a step and I'm stressing cause I'm gonna look like I've never seen a day of sunlight. Like all the hoes are getting spray tans and I've never had one ever so I don't want to get one and then have it so bad that I look like an overcooked chicken nugget. So I'm gonna be looking like a vampire, which is cool cause vampires are badass but y'know the pale skin isn't that attractive when you can see your internal organs cause your skin is so see through

Another issue is the formal altogether, like what is dancing? how tF do I talk to my person I'm going w the whole night? what do I do? wtf? kill me now?


Yet another problem in my lifestyle rn is my bday. Like I wanna have a really fun sleepover thing with my two closest (only) friends but one girl (THE GIRL WHO WONT CHILL W ME) probs won't wanna come. I can't have a party either, not that I would want a booze fest ew yuck who tF do u think I am?, but because who tf would I invite?? Santa? maybe the Easter bunny? yea ok

My mum won't feed me and I'm starving asf please save a soul today at 0800Iwantapizza



Well that was that, don't forget to

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