Chapter twenty eight - 2/5

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O, my effing g.

I hit 248 reads on this story.

what the actual blip is going on?!

For some people they'd be snorting like "omfg look at this loser wtf 200 reads BAHGHA I have thousands lmao #dead"

lol u done there man ^^

Anyway so that's a milestone for moi since I honestly didn't expect anyone to take the time out of their lives to actually read this story.

like at all.


reader: um well most of us only read the first chapter to see wtf this shit show is about. then we gap it outta here cause it's crap. lol.

me: get back in the dumpster from chapter 10 smh (bloodlust lol)

reader: we wouldn't know cause we didn't read that shit

readers: *collectively punches me in the face*


*rubs nose* ouch.. well anyway let's get on with today's events..

It was only Thursday. I still had a whole day before the weekend. It's the Queens birthday weekend so at least I got Monday off.

But that didn't stop me from sulking.

I woke up two minutes ago, it was 11:04am. The reason why I got up so late was because I didn't go to school.

Thanks Mama.

I had mini break down last night, I have a speech tomorrow and a load of internal work that I have to keep up with. Life is stressful right now.

It was also book day at school, and I could really not be bothered seeing hoes dressed as slutty or rich book characters.

So thank god I was able to stay home, which gave me a much needed break.

After sitting in bed for awhile I decided to go downstairs and grab something to eat. I hadn't eaten in over 12 hours and that was unacceptable.

Climbing back into bed I ate my lunch whilst working on a book trailer for another story. It was taking awhile but that was okay, I had all day after all.

Before too long I looked at the clock, showing it was already 2pm.


I had barely done any speech practice, considering it was tomorrow. That still didn't provoke me to do it however.

Instead I messaged my bp (bestie pal) to tell her about the mall situation. Since I wasn't at school my Mum was going to drop me there, and then we could do the normal jazz.

But there was one problem.

She couldn't go.

She had gotten braces the day before, and while I felt sorry that she was inflicted with that type of pain, it shouldn't have led her to cancel on me.

When I got braces I was 13, and I'm still on a retainer at nights. But I took the day off school the day I got them, but the day after I toughened up and went.

This was her second day and she didn't go to school.

I'm not ripping her out, I'm just saying.

It made me on the brink of annoyance that she bailed on me, especially as this is the 3rd or 4th time.

She could've just come for ice cream which is soft and cold, two beneficial things for braces. But it was still a no.

So I was left at home craving a malteaser sundae and mint Oreo chocolate.

The rest of the day went by pretty fast, and soon enough, my Mum got home from work.

The rest of the day I spent working on my stories, as I hadn't really been updating them much.

I was looking forward to making pancakes tomorrow in food, but then dreading every other subject.



lmao so ik I literally mention Bloodlust every 2 seconds but.. go read it maybe.. please

I put the book trailer in this chapter cause why not lol


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