Chapter seventeen - 26/4

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WOAH I actually updated on schedule today??

wtf is wrong with me

lol so I'm writing this chapter at 6:46pm cause I've been at stage challenge from 10-3 as usual ugh. and also..


I've started publishing my brand spanking (hehe) new story: BLOODLUST

dun dun DUNNN

I'm so proud of myself for getting my bleep together and writing and publishing that bleep

Atm though I write the stories then publish them straight after, since I'm a lazy bleep and I can't have pre written chapters. oops

So yah go check that out then come back here. I'll wait bbys :))

*waits for 6 hours and they haven't come back*

* checks watch* ummm yea so they must've died right?? ha ha ha fu-




That video is literally me rn except the title would be: When you finally get off your phone to eat dinner and your rice is cold


bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep okay I'll stop LOL

*sorts stack of papers about stuff I gotta talk/rant about from today*

Omfg so today I had stage challenge and it was alg until we had our lunch break.

So me and one of my class buddies who also does it (aka. the reason why I agreed to do it so I wasn't alone) went to a sushi place to eat for the hour we had. Then we walk to kfc where I get my popcorn chicken snack box, since that was all I could afford with the $5 my mother so kindly :) supplied :) me :) with :). So then we walked back in the goddamn heat, like I was sweating but I didn't wanna take my jersey off cause I didn't have the nicest t shirt on underneath + I probably smelled LMAO

So I was hot asf and we got back into the gym where the practices are held and omfg who is that I see? oh my yeezus I see a 4 pack of hoes.

YES fuckin Molly and her bff umm Virginia I'll call her, were in the gym with some random guy talking to Stacey and My hoe ex bff.

So I come back in and my buddy says hi cheerfully to Molly and I cringe. Like no boo don't talk to the peasants. (She can obvs talk to whoever she wants I'm just kidding about that lol)

I get pissed cause I don't look like a boss ass bitch so I can show them up, I'm pretty sure I looked like a sweaty mess, with slightly greasy hair might I add #dies in a hole

Ugh it was a real mood kill but us hip hoppers got given frozen cokes from Mickey D's cause our leaders promised them if we did good yesterday. So I just sipped that shit like a queen whilst smirking, even though Stacey got one ugh.

ANOTHER issue I need to talk about is the fact that I could've been in a car crash today.

So this person pulls out (hehe) from a road, right infront of us and luckily my mum wasn't speeding so she hit the breaks in time.

THE PICTURE IN THIS CHAPTER IS OF WHAT HAPPENED CAUSE I CANT DESCRIBE FOR BLEEP (p.s in Nz we drive on the left side and the steering wheel is on the right) #facts

The lady is the blue car and me and mum are the green. I realised too late that our car is tiny so... yea deal with it.

Well that's all for now cause I still have 400 words to write for chapter 3 of BLOODLUST farkkk


Pretty eventful day might I say.

I need to become my true form as a rap god but there's one problem:

WOOOOAHHHHI need to become my true form as a rap god but there's one problem:

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-Logan ;)

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