Chapter four - 30/1

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that's all I can say pretty much. yet again I type another message to my one and only friend that I would even want to possibly be in the presence of.


because she hasn't replied to my cries for help in getting me out of my house that is boring me to death. I even said I would go to the mall. not that I don't like the mall cause I do, it's a place to buy stuff and food. But it's also a disgusting basic hangout zone for 12 year olds and basic bitches. Not that I have anything against people 12 years of age it's just that some of them decide to play hide and seek in a flipping public place. It's also where every basic bitch decides to hang out 24/7 cause they think they own the whole goddamn mall. Everyone you see is basically a freaking mall rat.

So me saying I wanna go to the mall is a true sign of just how desperate I am to do something besides sitting in my room, wasting away my last five days of freedom.

oh yay I get to go to school and make new friends that will probably stab me in the back. how wonderful.

Okay I'm gonna stop being all gloomy cause otherwise it'll bring down the vibe. sorry ppl

After I made those cinnamon rolls the other day my heart has been craving more, but I just cannot be bother to go through the process of making them. While it makes 10 delicious cinnamony rolls of goodness it also takes ages to prepare and actually finish. so no I think I'll pass on that :(

Oh yes and if my mood could get any worse my nose is still a bit sore from the prank I pulled on my friend yesterday. What was the prank may you ask? okay let me tell you

So I've been pranking my best friend (only friend) for awhile, I've done some minor pranks but I've already accomplished three major pranks this year. oh yea I love pulling pranks, cause it's funny as hell. so as I was saying I already pulled two pranks

1. I made her think I was getting with this guy that we know from intermediate at 1am ( he's kinda average looking but he's also annoying as hell )
2. I made her think I was talking to this new guy, and it was easy cause I put the guy who was helping me's nickname as a fake name and I used my photoshop skills to edit a fake Facebook profile. btw I am kinda good at editing so yea it was believable

The number 3. prank was that I pretended to get a nose piercing and a helix piercing. it was actually really easy cause all I did was get two of my small hoop earrings and gently but securely put them in the place of a helix and a nose piercing ofc. The nose one actually ended up making me bleed a little bit cause it had a sharp clasp but it was worth it.

but yeah I literally bleed for a prank
that's how dedicated I was lolol so if you are ever my friend, you're in for some good pranks ;)


Problem #1
I'm bored

Problem #2
I'm hungry

Problem #3
My brother doesn't wanna go to the movies with me

I think I'm gonna go make a blue velvet cake. Yes you heard me

a blue velvet cake


someone please come over and I'll love you forever ( no stalkers or murderers allowed ) boys are allowed ;)


Lol so that was fun, not, sorry I'm so boring please don't take away my cinnamon rolls :o

- Logan (:

{Not so} Daily whinesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora