Chapter 5: Witch Adventure

Start from the beginning

"This old witch is getting old. Not many people come through the Enchanted Ice Forest anymore, not since Prince Snowen forbade it. But I guess today is my lucky day. I can replace these old eyes with your silver ones. Ponytail has some beautiful eyelashes and Blondie's hair is to die for. I mean, he will die eventually. To be young again!" the witch chirped and got up from her seat.

"I'm off to make the brew! Don't get any stress wrinkles while I'm gone!"

I wanted to punch something so badly. Preferably that witch's face. I paced up and down my cell, trying to formulate a plan. If I could just reach my sword, I could be able to pry open the lock and go look for the boys. After that, I should probably kill the witch. 

I only kill when I needed to. If someone is endangering other people for their own selfish desires, and this has been a thing for years, then yeah, they need to die. Them trying to take my life is also not cool. 

I tried to reach for my sword once again, sucking in my gut to try to squeeze further through the bars. My pinky could touch the handle, but it wasn't enough. I stepped back to take off my shirt. I then tied a not on the sleeve. If I could through the sleeve over the sword and pull, then the knot would kinda hook on it and knock it down.

I prayed and threw part of my shirt outside the bars. I then tugged and heard it come crashing down. Yes!

I reached for it and slide it through the bars. After I untied the knot in my shirt and slipped it back on, at swung my sword on the lock. I was free!

The witch wasn't smart enough to lock the actual room to the giant cell, so I escaped into the corridor with ease. "Cinder? Blaise?" I half whispered, half yelled. I repeated this many times until I heard a faint answer.


The door next to me had a small opening to look through. Sure enough, I saw the two idiots who let themselves get caught grabbing the bars. I slipped in the room and confronted them. "Thank God you guys are okay. Any later and you would've died. Don't follow creepy voices in the woods again, got it?"

They answered yes as I broke the lock keeping their door shut. It was finally time to make our getaway.

"Rion, are there anymore people here?" Cinder questioned. I could already tell what he was thinking. He wanted to save anyone else that may be trapped here. What a compassionate guy. 

"No, no one has been here for a long time. You guys find the exit while I sort some things out."

"What?!" they both said simultaneously. Blaise stepped forward and grabbed my hand. "You're going to fight her?! Rion, she has powerful magic and you have a sword! It's not a fair fight and you may-"

"Blaise." I stopped him. "I can't let her live. If I let her go, then how many more will die? Not everyone is as lucky as we are. Thank you for worrying about me but I can do this." I slipped my hand out of his grasp and smiled. "I'll see you guys in a little bit, okay?"

Before they could say anything else I burst into a run. I listened carefully to hear any noise that could belong to the witch. I finally heard glass colliding with another piece of glass and looked through the door. Silver hair was bouncing up and down as she danced around a cauldron. She hummed to herself and she tossed in some herbs.

I quietly opened the door to try to get the jump on her. Just as I was about to strike my sword down on her, she spun around and flung me into the bookcase. My back started to ache from the collision but I couldn't stop to rest. A knife flew towards my direction and I ducked.

"Rion, I can't believe you tried to kill me in my own home. That is incredibly rude!" she scolded. She moved her hand downward, causing my body to slam onto the floor. I groaned in pain as I tried to stand back up, using my sword as support. Her magic was incredibly forceful. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see her pull a dagger out to stab me. I needed more time!

"RION!" a voice called out to me. Blaise and Cinder had burst into the room, causing the woman to look to her left. Perfect!

The distraction gave me just enough time to muster up enough energy to swing at her side. She cried out in pain as the blood painted the floors. "Rion! Around her neck is a bag! Grab it and throw it in the fire!" Blaise instructed.

I snatched the rope around her neck and pulled, causing it to snap off. The wound I just gave her was starting to heal itself. She flung herself at me, attempting to grab her bag back. "No! Give it back!" she shrilled.

"Cinder!" I grabbed his attention and tossed the bag to him. The witch scratch me across my right cheek in frustration. I could feel blood flowing out as I grabbed her shoulders to pin her to the ground. "Hurry up!"

The bag was finally hurled into the fire under the cauldron. It caught quickly with the licking flames and the witch cried out. It wasn't long until she turned into ashes. I was breathing heavily and felt pain all over my body. We suddenly could hear the sound of horses approaching the home. I hope they have a doctor with them, because I need one.

I touched my cheek where the hag scratched me. Red stained my finger tips. However, there was also a mixture of green, shining and swirling withing the blood. I felt myself getting woozy and short of breath. I felt like I was on fire. There were two thuds. One from the door being slammed open, and one from me, letting gravity take over. 

"Rion!" Are you okay?! Rion?!" voices called out to me. I couldn't hear if it was Cinder's, Blaise's, or even both. I shut my eyes tightly, trying to block out anything that made my head pound. I felt something cool touch my wounded cheek. It didn't give me relief however, it just made the pain worse.

I winced, biting my tongue so I wouldn't cry. The pain was unbearable. My fingernails dug into my palms, causing them to bleed as well. It only took a few more seconds until I fell into total darkness to escape the agony.  

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