Ice Heart by SylvanasandSostar, reviewed by HeBrokeMyHeart

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Title – Ice Heart

Author -  SylvanasandSostar

Genre – Fantasy & Adventure

Rating – PG

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Blurb - His heart as cold as ice, prince Shàryn was exiled from his kingdom long ago. Never to return. Living on his own for the past 20 years, in the harsh and cold conditions in the farthest and coldest reaches of the Winter Court of the Unseelie. His heart has hardened, leaving no room for any emotion.But when a young girl from another world suddenly appears in his. Little did she know that she is the daughter of the king of the Spring Court of the Seelie, and is a pawn in a deadly war. She does not know how she got there, or how to fend for herself, and is therefore helpless, and must rely on an untrustworthy prince for protection. Will she be able to break through his barricades, or will Shàryn betray her? As she is dragged into the core of conflict so powerful, she's not certain anyone can survive it.


This book starts off with a very interesting; I won’t give it away. I can’t quite make out whether this is now, future or past or if it’s set in another realm. The book catches the reader’s attention as you want to know more.... but I would say it needs a little bit more description. Many fantasy readers will like this book because it’s a different sort of fantasy; and I mean by this, it’s not fantasy as in vampires, werewolves’ e.c.t. Well there isn’t at the moment :3. There are some grammar errors but editing it will sort it out. I’m a bit curious at the moment of which the girl is and what she is doing, as in ‘did the Queen send her to spy?’ Why is she out there in the freezing cold? I also feel as though the book is going a bit too fast, but it may just be my general opinion. I can’t really say much at this point as there are only two chapters, but good work and keep it up!

From HeBrokeMyHeart/ Annalise Butler

7* out of 10*

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