Chapter 36: As long as we have each other

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"I love you so, so much Katniss Mellark", I whisper and look at her. "There are not even words that can describe how much I actually love you".

Katniss crashes her lips against mine. First the kiss is easy and loving, but it become wild and lustful.

We lay down with our heads on the pillows while we continuing the kiss, and just as I'm about to pull off Katniss nightgown, we hear little child steps enter the room.

"Mama you scared me again", we hear Willow say.

Katniss and I jump apart when we understand that she's right by the bed.

When we look down, we see that even Rye is standing there. How did he get out of his crib?

Katniss carries Rye up in her arms and Willow crawls up in the bed and sits in my lap.

"Did you have a nightmare again, Mama?" Willow asks anxiously.

"Yes sweetheart", Katniss says and hugs Rye who pats her on the cheek.

"Down't be sowrry Mawma", he says with his sweet toddler voice.

Rye can't pronounce the words quite right yet, but he does his best.

"I'm hewre Mawma, down't be sawd", he says.

"No, not as long as I have my family with me Rye", she says and takes my hand.

Willows takes my other hand and one of Ryes hands.

I agree with Katniss. As long as we have our family, there's no reason to be sad for a long time.


Rye and Katie are sitting at the table, painting. Katniss and Julie are is sitting in the living room, Gale and I are in the kitchen while Willow and Hunter ... Well to be honest, I don't really know where they are, only thing I know is that they are in the house. I hope.

Before I have time to blink, Willow and Hunter runs in to us. They stand in front of us with sly faces.

"What's up with you two?" Gale asks suspiciously and I nod.

"Are the two of you really having an eye on Rye and Katie as you told mom and Aunt Katniss?" Hunter asks and grins while Willow bursts out laughing.

Gale and I hurry out to the dinner table. Katniss and Julie are standing there holding their hands to their mouths, to not burst out laughing too. But Gale and I can't control ourselves as well as them. In fact we can't control ourselves at all. We even fold double with laughter and nearly falls down on the floor.

Rye and Katie are sitting in their high chairs with their brushes, painting each other's faces instead of the big white paper I've spread out all over the table, and now they look like real clowns.

"Whawt is it?" Katie asks innocently.

Gale and I try to control ourselves for a moment.

"Nothing sweetheart", Gale says, not wanting to tell them how they look. "We're just ... Uh, we just wanted to ... We also wanted to paint. Yes! Yes that's what we wanted".

"Yeah it looks so much fun", I agree.

There are two brushes left on the table and we take one each.

I take black paint and dip my brush in it. And without warning, I paint Gale in the face.

He counters directly by painting my face with red paint.

Willow and Hunter throw themselves on the floor and roar with laughter.

"Peeta!" Katniss snaps.

"Gale, what the heck are you two doing?" Julie asks.

"Yeah you really are two good role models for your children", Katniss says. "Oh sometimes it feels like I have three children to take care of instead of two".

"Yeah, you and me both", Julie agrees while Gale and I just laughs hard.

"Pa ... Papa ... Haha Papa you ... Haha you look ridiculous", Willow succeeded to say through her laughter.

"Haha ... Yeah ... You haha you too ... Haha dad", Hunter laughs.

Katniss and Julie gives up. They also start laughing.

We're so silly, both of our families. But that's just the way it is, and with our backgrounds, we deserve to have fun.

Katniss and I was in two Hunger Games, survived the old regime's torture, Gale, Katniss and I participted in the rebellion and Julie told us that she was also a rebel, but from District 7 because she lost three brothers to the Games.

So we do deserve to have fun. Right?


Okay so that was another chapter :)

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It's only one chapter left in this book, but don't worry, as I said, it comes a sequel tomorrow :)

-Josephine xx

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