"W-when do you want me to return your sh-." I begin as I pull at the lose material around my body.

"keep it." He says interrupting me. "Why did I play the role so well..." he says softly as he stares at me and shakes his head lightly. "ugh I need to sleep." He laughs awkwardly as he realizes what he said out loud. "It's good to see that you are okay." And with that Namjoon began to leave the room.

Something within me was telling me to chase after Namjoon and ask him what he meant... But as Taehyung rounded the corner with a wide smile on his face; I knew that I shouldn't...


"Wait so he is like half-robot now?" Yoongi asked as we began to pack our bags for the location move. Namjoon gave out the order at dinner that we were going to break off into 5 number teams and stay at different locations until a new fully functional facility was up and off the grid. My team was obviously with Yoongi, Jimin, Taehyung, and Namjoon... I hated the idea of being in the same area with Namjoon for god knows how long, but this needed to happen...

I smirked as I stared down and Namjoon's shirt before I tucked it tightly in my bag. "don't call him half robot you ass." I laugh as I playfully smack Yoongi's arm. I zipped my bag up and threw it beside Yoongi. "So do you know where we are going to be staying at?" I asked as I laid down on Yoongi's bed and counted the ceiling tiles above me.

Yoongi chuckled as he tossed the bags near the door and laid beside me. "I've counted already." I pause my counting as I turn to meet eye contact with Yoongi. "there's 567." He says with a smirk.

I chuckled as I shook my head at him. "man you really do have no life."

"(y/n) and Yoongi stop flirting, it's time to roll out." Jin said as he opened our door and gave us the order.

I looked at Yoongi as I fixed my bed head. "is there at least going to be windows at the place we are going?" I pestered Yoongi as we began to leave. Yoongi simply laughed as he grabbed the bags. "Yoongi. Tell. Me"


"I cannot believe you are making me do this." I say under my breath and I fix the fake wig on my head as I stare up at the beautiful hotel. "Why do we have to go undercover as a married couple?" I asked as I looked up at Yoongi.

"because you are the only girl and everyone are already inside and we need a story." He said through his gritted teeth as he comes out of the large van in a nice black suit. My eyes widened to the well-dressed Yoongi and I had to admit; he looked pretty damn good. "Looks like you don't mind playing rich wife with me after all." He smirked as he scanned my tightly, and sparkly, dressed body.

"whatever. Just keep your eyes where I can see them alright." I say as I stick my hand into his as we ready ourselves for check-in.

See moments ago Namjoon suddenly told us that everyone needed to go undercover because of the recent events. Namjoon was dressed as a supermodel. Taehyung a war veteran, Jimin as a famous photographer, and then there's Yoongi and I; as a married celebrity couple from the U.S.

"why are you nervous?" Yoongi teased as he whispered in my ear to make it seem like we need a hotel room now.

I fake smile and pushed my hand against his chest as people looked our direction. "oh I'm just worried you might do something you will regret later." I mutter through my smile as we reach the desk.

"hello I believe we have reservations for Room 513." Yoongi said as he leaned in towards the check-in lady. "Mr. and Mrs. Brown." He smiled as he wrapped his hand around my waist and pulled me closer to his side.

"here you go. Have a wonderful stay." The lady said as she slid the room key over to us.

As we made our way over to the elevators I cussed at Yoongi for rubbing his fingers against my side as we stood in front of that lady. "what the hell was that." I curse as the elevator doors close on us.

"Sorry doll-." Yoongi paused as his gummy smile came to his face. "I was justplaying the role."

"Why did I play the role so well..."

My eyes widened as I thought of what Namjoon said before he left Taehyungs room. Was he saying that because he thinks I'm still in love with him? No, he has to know I hate his guts... then why?

"(y/n)..." Yoongi said as he waved his hand in front of my face to bring me from my thoughts. "haha I thought I lost you there for a second." He chuckled at my daze as the doors opened to our floor. "come on we have business to take care of."

I shook my head as my heels clicked along the entrance of the elevator. "whatbusiness?"


"We're ready to talk about the plan."

My eyes widened to the perfectly drawn out layer of my old house. We all arranged to meet at Namjoon's room in our regular clothing to discuss this. I was nervous at first but as my eyes land on Taehyung without his fake arm on... I knew I was ready to deliver this plan.

"so this is what you were doing when you took me on those dates in weird places of the house." I say with clear annoyance in my voice as I point at the places where Namjoon and I grew closer. "wow we had our anniversary there I can't bel-." I paused as I looked at Namjoon's 'are you serious right now' face. "my bad continue."

"anyway... This is where team A will enter in the building. We grab our belongings and then Team A disperses without any causalities unless needed." Namjoon says as he moves his hand around the paper telling us who and what will be in each place of the house. I had to admit it, Namjoon had everything figured out pretty well.

"okay that sound's good and everything. But where do I fit in this equation?" I questioned as I flattened my hands out on the table and looked at Namjoon.

Namjoon smirked as he rolled the paper back up. "you are going to be following me. Going straight to your dad-"

"and I get to kill him right?" I add on.

Namjoon lowered his smile as he stared at me. "(y/n) you do not get to kill your father." He said flatly making me quickly fill with anger. "do you honestly think you can pull the trigger when you have so many un-answered questions?" Namjoon said before I could speak up.

"you don't know what I can do-."

"oh that's where you are wrong sweet cheeks." Namjoon said as he moved around the table, pushing past the guys and standing in front of me. "I've studied you for long enough that I think I know everything that there is to know about you." He says as he moves closer to my face. His eyes scan my face as he gently places his finger under my chin. "there cannot be any delay period okay (y/n)..." he says softly like he is trying to relay some secret message to me.

I slap his hand away from my face as I stare up at him. "If you really knew me Namjoon, you would know that I, personal, need to do this."

Namjoon backs off and sighs as he looks at me. I was expecting a huge fight where he tells me I'm stupid and then just tells me I can't even go. But as the words leaves his mouth I am almost left speechless.

"you're right. I'll stand by you."

Unfinished BusinessTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon