The Red-Tipped Rose

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The Red-Tipped Rose

  This Flower,

This one Flower must be the most confusing one I have ever found,

And I haven't found many.

  It's beautiful with petals tipped with a bright ruby red,

The Flower wasn't always like this though,

Long ago the flower had a completely red.

  Sowing a different beauty than it does now, 

One it showed directly to you, 

You and you alone might I add.

  Then along the way you saw the color starting to disappear,

The body turning a white,

It felt foreign and cold.

  But you cast that away,

Thinking it was only a phase,

You slowly noticed that the 'white phase' was consuming your Flower.

  So the shell if white took more of the Flower,

Leaving the tips that beautiful bright ruby red,

The question remains though;

  How long till the white takes the entire Rose?

Till your shut out forever?

When you become nothing to the Red-Tipped Rose.

Author's Note:

  So, fair warning, there are 3 of these flower based poems coming your way guys, flowers are just so neutral don't you think? Anyway this is a powerful one personally for me, mostly because it only a small part of how I am feeling (sort of) at this point in time. Don't get me wrong my life isn't falling a part everywhere I look, it's been interesting though to say the least...

  ANYWHO! Off the topic of me and what the poem means (if it's not obvious to you guys), it's about someone losing a love they once had for someone and the same with this other person. It's really a thorn to the heart if you understand what's it's like to have this happen to you. ANYWHICH that's the main focus of the story, hope y'all liked it! More to come from this Trilogy I promise you!


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