Comfort Vs. Passion

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  I should hate her,

Loath that she stands in my place,

Hold you when I once was your Comfort.

  But I don't.

If anything I feel bad for her,

That I am the ex not over who I dumped,

How she helps him in ways I can't.

  She makes him feel safe,

And secure,

A love that makes you smile till your jaw hurts,

A love that you can be Comfortable in.

  And then there is me,

A Passionate and wild love,

Like a quiet volcano that has spectacular eruptions inside,

Yet on the surface I look cool and collected.

  She's a let's be home and watch movies,

Eat popcorn after a long day of work,

While I am a midnight adventure,

Climb up a mountain for the hell of it,

Yet I can do calm...

  I can sit and read by the fire,

Sip hot tea on a rainy day...

Giggle and joke till we're crying from laughing too hard...

  Maybe there is a storm behind these blue eyes,

And it rages with hurricanes from way out at sea,

But there is calm within the eye of the storm...

A stillness that waits for the right person.

  I will never be a warm summer evening,

Sitting on the porch with lemonade as you watch the sunset,

And when the night comes out,

The stars twinkle in the quiet of the night.

  Just like she will never be the ocean,

With waves stories high and beautiful beaches,

Ones you walk along just when dawn breaks over the horizon,

The sound of the surf a quiet lullaby,

Yet when out in the depths,

The waves sing out a wild and free melody.

  If I could hate her,

All of this would be easier,

But none of it is,

Only a confusing pain absorbing all of me.

  Pain for her,

Pain for him,

And pain for myself,

For even getting invovled in this mess. 

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