A Forgotten Nightmare Returns

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A Forgotten Nightmare Returns

This Nightmare has returned,

This one I can't forget.

This Nightmare is quiet a scare,

For with this thing is haunting,

And waiting for when you least expect it.

But this Nightmare is a special kind of nightmare,

One that used to be a fond memory.

This Nightmare is of a man,

One who had looks and charms like no other.

This Nightmare only comes late at night,

When you have a pleasant dream at first.

Then this Nightmare shows it's presence,

And seems to wake you with a fright.

This Nightmare is usually forgotten when in the midst of a relationship,

But those unfortunate nights it returns,

It can be something very unexpected.

I wish this Nightmare would go away and leave me in peace,

I wish I could forget it completely,

But it just doesn't seem to leave me.

No matter how much I pray and wish,

It never leaves,

Flashing it's images without a care to be seen.

For you see, the Nightmare always returns.

Author's Note:

So...this poem is darker than my usual ones I create :/. But with good reason, I have been having this recurring nightmare that is not really a past memory per say? But it's this recurring dream that I keep having on and off throughout the week O _O. And usually those dreams in some format come true...ANYWHO! I will not bore you with my odd dream stories xD, hope you enjoyed the newest write people (though I'm on the fence for if this one falls into my category of love? *shrugs* I dunno...). So comment, like, share with other people from beyond and on this lovely place know as Wattpad :P

Till the next update guys....


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