A New Page Turned

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The pain of a heartbreak,
And agony one feels,
Is easier to remember,
Than those with a brighter happily ever after.

Those words like daggers are all anyone ever remembers,
The wrongs this person did,
The distrust that person left,
But the happier note?
Always left out.

So let's turn a new page,
One filled with that bliss from long ago,
Only newer,
More welcoming than the time before.

Everyone remembers the rainy days,
The sour arguments,
But what about the sweet kisses?
The soft spoken nights?

Those nights,
Oh those wonderful nights,
Where lovers say close,
All snuggled in tight.

Soft whispers of good memories,
Crazy adventures,
And anticipated of futures.

Those stories never told,
Too light,
Too happy,
In a world so dark with depression.

So let's turn a new page,
One filled like a old book,
Words spilling off the page,
Not of ill will against feelings we can't control,
But with bright words of remembrance,
That some day,
Everyone has the potential of their own happily ever after.

Author's Note:
Something a little more upbeat for end of  my binge of writing love poems, and it catches me up to the present at this point. It's gonna be a little slower for me to write things now since I kinda need inspiration when it comes to writing this stuff xD. Anywho, till the next poem!


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