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Do you want to go walking?
A little walk around the block?
Just a wandering,
Like we did back in the day.
I swear it won't be long...

We used to be so close,
Now that's the past,
What are we going to do?

Do you want to go to Ren Faire?
Get all dressed up and parade about?
Let's go enjoy the Shire,
Work awhile,
And go home and relax the night away.

I guess it's all my fault though,
So I sit here now,
Missing you all the while,
Hope life is treating you well,
And you're living the way you wanted to,
Be safe and know some part of me still loves you.

Do you want to take a walk yet?
Somewhere new and different,
I promise I won't hurt you anymore...
I'll just stand by the door,
And wait till the moments right,
Till we can meet again.

Author's note:
I wrote this poem in mid-August, just didn't know if I should post it or not, now seemed like the right time I guess

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