The Rose Predicament

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Well, there is good reason for this little poem,

Because I swear when....wait wait wait...let me give you a visual.

There are two roses,

One is a beautiful red that shimmers in the sunlight like something shiney and red...a car maybe...?

Then there's the second one that is a genetically enhansed blue rose that you like but are wary of.

Both have potental,

Both have thorns,

But your friend gets you the blue rose because they like you,

You've only met this twice in your freking life

Then there's the one who gives you the red rose that gives you the wow factor but your in the friends zone with them.

Will the freaking people make up their mind??!!! 

I mean it is one thing if you didn't have feelings for the red rose person but REALLY?!?!

Yes the blue rose person is nice, 

Just not who your looking for.

So i say f-ck the emotion Love that we are tying into this little visual,

Because it finds the way in the universe to screw you over for a relationship.

Seriously though -_-

Yes this is a very random poem but that's what I dealing wtih as of right now in life but guess what!? I don't give a damn about that stupid emotion!! It's finally gotten annoying -_- 

MORE POEMS AND STORIES TO COME IN MY GALLERY OF BOOKS, (or at least updates on books :l ) So keep on the look out :DDD 

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