OMG Crushes O _O

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  Everyone has had their crushes, 

And for once this poem isn't about me! 

So no blaming me for what this guy has been doing...

And no it's nothing bad...just REALLY annoying!

  When the person who is crushing on you so much,

You can feel the hearts thwacking you in the head.

Even with just texting!?!?!

Then when you just so happen to see this person in the flesh,

They are even more of a flirt!

  So you try to give them the subtle hint of not wanting to date,

They ignore it and keep persuing a dying battle.

Making you even more annoyed, irritated, whatever you want to call it, heck, even pure anger!

Then you tell them bluntly, 

And they STILL go after you.

And all you think is "WTF????" 

  Welcome to my newest problem...

Well it's not even that new though,

Nope been dealing with this for about month now.

And the person is STILL after an already lost battle.

So none of you out there,

Unless dealing with the same thing,

Can say that their Boyfriend is clingy.

When I have to deal with a [insert cuss word of choice] that I haven't even dated yet!

  But if you are dealing with the same problem as me,

The Universe have pity on your soul for doing this to you (O -O)

Author's note:

  Whazzup my fans / readers! So this is a very 'OMG this guy is about not to be able have children when he's older if he keeps doing this!' type of thing. This poem is true as well. IF ANYONE KNOWS HOW TO BLOCK NUMBERS FOR IPHONE 3G'S PLEASE TELL ME!!! This is SOOO happening to me...and no i did't know this person liked me until i got texting them and 3 texts later they confessed they liked me (can we say a little creepy??). So yes, the starting of summer in the US of A and I get a stalker who loves me, quotes around the word "Love". Have some sympathy for meh pwease O -O!!! ANYWHO! that's all for my huge ass paragraph about my twisted life XDDD


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