The Dance of Emotion & Logic

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  Why are the harder decisions always mine?
Does bitter analyzation take the place of the heart?
When raw Emotion says one thing,
But Logic say another...
When do the two coexist peacefully?

  I remember a time when they did.

  When Emotion and Logic danced a danced so sweet,
Their steps never faltered,
The movement such as the gentle trickle of a stream...

The waters started to thrash,
And the steps less even,
The tempo mixed up and confused...

  Yet they fought,
Logic fighting for Emotion,
Though Emotion was closed off,
And Logic started analyzing,
They fought for one another so much...

  But Logic couldn't keep the drive anymore.
The dance now stagnant,
And the music no longer sweet.
All she  had was her analyzations,
Her calculations,
A broken heart...

  A thing she never thought she would have ever again.

  And Emotion?
Anger and frustration towards Logic,
And himself.
If he had just opened up a little more,
Or done certain things a different way,
Would they still have danced?

  Self doubt slowly killing him.
For he never thought it would come to this...
If they loved each other enough it would work...
Things always worked out between them.

  They can only work for so long.
So long till it falls a part again...
Till the next off step of the dance...
Till the next heartbreak.

  So both lay alone at night,
Craving the other,
Though the dance now over,
Both in small corners of their hearts wishing it would continue.

  But how could it?
Logic unable to get past her findings,
And Emotion hurt too badly.

  In the end all they had were their questions,
Their broken hearts,
And the lonely nights ahead.

Author's note:
It's been a long weekend.

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