Changes In Me

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Changes In Me


  Why have I changed in ways I never thought possible?

Or at least I thought of being incapable of...

It almost scares me how much I cave into him,

And look for affection whenever around him.

  And the things I allow him to do without any reasons as to why?

It's so weird, 

I thought I would never be in a position like this till older.

Till I was able to understand myself better and not fall into and then beack out of depressions.

  And yet when I think hard on the subject of him,

I still love him.

I still want to be with him and cherish the memories I have with him.

But it still scares me the physical (and mental) power he has over me.

Author's Note:

Yeah, no particular ryheme or reason to this poem really. Was just in a bad mood and kinda got into a fight with someone and soon I find myself writing this and saying "fudge it, I'll post this, haven't posted here in awhile?" so thus this poem was born (grand story right? :P) anywhores (if you watch =3 you got that reference) till the next update people...


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