The Ones You Know Are Bad For You

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This is dedicated to one of my best friends WarriorGoddess, she has all these guys she likes (all very smexy...lucky little...) ANYWHO! She's really likes this one dude who she knows isn't Mr. Right. So I'm writing this for her so that way she can always know yes, there are the guys you want and the guys who are good for you. DON'T THINK OF ME AS A BAD FRIEND FOR THIS POEM!!! LOVE ME  (As a friend) FOR IT! I DON'T DEDICATE ANYTHING TO ANYONE USUALLY, FEEL LUCKY :DDDDD

  He's the one,

Well you think He's Mr. Right.

The one that has every girl falling to their knees for,

But your in that one position they are not.

Your His friend but not really?

Complex to understand unless you understand their relationship.

Which thank god I do or this would make no freking sense even for me!

  You wish he would show you those feelings,

But you and I both know he won't.

As much as I want to say "He will one day!",

I wouldn't be telling you the truth though.

So buck up women! 

You have LOTS of guys falling for you!

(More than I am able to count!)

  So Mr. Right is one of those men out there,

Just not you know who okay???

Your the silver lining of your friendship with Him is like...

Well you really can't exlpain it?

But be happy! 


Pretty please?

Pretty please with a cherry on top?

Yeah not getting anything more than that from me :P

  So write the stories that we both would wish were true about Him,

And always gonna dream about for your sake.

And maybe,


He will notice what He's been missing all these years.

Authors Note:

  Well WarrirorGoddness, you can't say I haven't dedicated anthing to you! Well this was just sper of the moment so yeah :P. There is meaning under this poem so for the people who understand what I am saying good on ya! I give you credit xD. 



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