The Long Road Ahead

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I wish it was easy to say aloud,
The things I miss about you,
It's hard not seeing them,
And only a shell of what you've become.

I miss your smile,
The way it would light up the room,
How it would touch your eyes,
Glowing from their core,
Now small,
And barely a smolder.

I miss your laugh,
Bursting from your chest,
A sound unlike any other,
Like a song only those close to you could hear.

I miss our conversations about nothing at all,
Yet about everything as well,
A bubble formed around us,
As we spoke about the sun,
The moon,
And stars.

But most of all,

I miss your touch,
Calm gentle hands that caressed my arm,
Strong tender arms that held me so tight,
A softly planted kiss on the forehead,
Telling me everything really will be alright.

I know people are multifaceted,
And I witness sides of you that no one hardly sees,
I know of the changes life put you through,
And how they've shaped you,
Into the person who stands before me.

That sweet boy I met so many years ago,
Grown into a caring young man,
Just going through some hardships,
Ones we never thought would happen...

It's not to say I haven't changed either,
For better or for worse,
I haven't decided yet,
But even with all that I miss,
I know You are still You.

It's one of the many reasons I am still here.

My head still swims in anxiety,
The thoughts like wading through a swamp,
At least I know at night,
When the thoughts are at their strongest,
That at least your next to me,
Even if your fast asleep.

And those rare occasions where you reach out to me,
I actually find enough peace to sleep.

I miss how close we used to be,
I guess that's the whole reason behind this story,
I know we'll eventually get there again,
But the road is starting to wear on me.

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