Three small words

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I've noticed something,
Quite common with people my age,
That they will say "I love you" as a way to fill silence.

The thing you're suppose to say when you lay in bed with that person you hold so dear,
They see them as just words,
With no meaning,
No compassion,
No kindness.

Just the words to say,
Nothing special,
Just a filler.

Yet when I say that phrase,
Those three simple words,
I mean them,
To their fullest,
Even when said in a casual tone.

And I hope they can see it,
I hope they know it's not just filler,
It's not meaningless.

It encompasses all the happiness I share with them,
The ache of when they're away,
From small little arguments,
To complete and utter fights,
Even periods of being content,
Where it feels like nothing's interesting is going on.

I love you,
Through all of it,
And I really hope you see it.


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