A New Hollowness

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  A new kind of hollowness I suppose sweeps me at times,

Nothing as horrific as one I felt before,

I suppose you couldn't even use it as a good comparison?

  It's more of a confusion, 

A haze,

A fog clouding my thoughts and even more so,

My emotions.

  Like a shutdown of them because of a person,

Funny how one person can make you feel confused and frustrated and more confusion on top of that, 

Making you feelings go on an overdrive and just seem to leave you Hollow.

  But it takes a really special person to rock you this way wouldn't it?

To feel this out what they have told you, 

What they have been like to you,

What they've felt for you without giving you the slightest idea.

  And they told no one before telling you and a sibling,

Not even his closest friends or the rest of his family,

For them to pin up their emotions just to mask what they felt...

  It could overwhelm even the most level of heads, 

But agitate then as well, 

Why keep something of that for so long? 

Not tell even when having the plenty of moment?

  All of it only confuses me and frustrated me further!

Yet I still feel the need to figure it all out -- to rationalize a feeling,

Leaving only a new Hollowness.

  Of confusion,


And perhaps the slightest -- only slightest bit,

Of reciprocation for the feelings he says he has for me.

  Author's Note:

  Well, this is a poem I wrote down a long-ish time ago and decided to type it out and post it on here since I haven't been posting very much xD (sorry!). Been a little busy with school work among other things, though having writer's block recently hasn't been a very big incentive either :L, but I am back onto the old thing and typing away, I do have a few more poems in mind for this and my other poem book, just need to type those ideas out then I also am going to be working on some more of my actual stories...though I don't know how far that's going to get...

Anywhooooooooooooooooooooooooo till the next poem people,

Cya! ~J

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