A Wilting Heart

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A Wilting Heart

  You know,

A flower is a delicate thing,

People will say,

They say you must tend to it with kindness and care,

The same can be said about a girl's heart.

  She'll be frustrated when told so but deep down she knows,

She knows that too many breaks and it'll not function properly ever again,

But she'll ignore that internal warning and think she is made of steel...

She isn't though.

  And just like a flower,

If left alone too long,

Or not given the nutrients to survive,

It really is the same with a girl's heart.

  If put out on the line one too many times,

If stepped on a few more days necessary 

If broken over it's limits,

It'll wither away just like a flower.

  Only I find a flower's death a little more peaceful,

Not as dramatic as a broken hearted girl,

It just dies and is rescued by the earth,

A girl with a broken heart is a little different.

  She'll hide every crack and sharp edge till she can't hide it any longer,

Till the super glue and duct tape and rope just altogether snap,

She'll hide herself so no can hurt her and not be vulnerable again,

She'll hide it with a joke or a smile or even a joyful laugh,

What she doesn't allow people to see is how she's barely holding her broken self together.

  Yes a girl's heart is like a wilting flower, 

The process slow and painful,

But it hurts so much more for the Wilting Heart of the girl than the poor,

Poor flower.

  Author's Note:

  Soooooooooooooo this poem is basically its poem talking about how girls are a little more fragile than what they will portray themselves to be, no matter how tough they think they are. And most of the stuff described I actually took from things I've seen from friends and family of mine. Kinda a depressing little poem I know but today was kinda not so fun for me. First off, I had two freking hours of school (Which makes not sense to me and I get to go back tomorrow for the same amount of time) and then afterwards I became single...not of my own choice and I really didn't want it to happen but it wasn't up to me. It's gonna hurt more later I know but it kinda hurts right now. Anywho till the next poem or story (depends on schedule during turkey break) and HAPPAH THANKSGIVING TO ALL WHO CELEBRATE IT! 


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