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I am no fool to this conflict,
The argument I speak of?
Long distance.

How dare you tug on my heart strings,
To give such a feeble retort,
You knew this going into such endeavors,
This is no excuse.

So we stand here today,
In the open,
While I tell you of my anger,
And dead silence till now.

You cannot complain about my open scorning,
At first my anger was quiet,
Unheard of by any.

For the simple reason of not wanting to deal with the conflict,
Till being prodded by those who started it.

But in all of it,
It taught a valued lesson,
One I should have remembered from so long ago,
That if there is always sunshine,
It can only make a desert.

Author's Note:
Yay arguments! And I don't mean the petty ones either, I'm talking the ones that make you want to scream (and in this little argument, rest assured, I did). Still more to come! At least a couple more or so before I move on to other things in my little collection of works.

Burning LoveМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя