A Twisted Tale of Love and Sorrow

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 A Twisted Tale of Love and Sorrow


Let me tell you a tale of which most have heard.

The only one that can make the heart break and shatter and yet become stronger at the same time,

When someone you love is out of grasp only because of decisions made in the past.

The ones that haunt your night time dreams.


Let me tell you a tale of which most have heard.

The that would make your heart bleed for one side of the spectrum,

And maybe the other?

If you could look at the logic of both sides.

  It's the tale of the a twisted love story,

One would maybe find in a book?

One that seems to only live in a world which fiction is only written,

Sometimes I honestly wish it was.

It would seem to make life easier if I could imagine myself as one of the characters rather than me in reality.

  But the tale end with the a broken heart,

A tear in the other,

And both sides fight over which logical explanation to side with.

  And it's one that usually -if an actual book- leave the reader wanting the main characters to make up.

Almost like forgive and forget sort of feeling.

  Author's Note:

  Well, there's not really an explanation for this one....

Till the next peom guys


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