The Flame Tulip

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The Flame Tulip

  A Flower of surprises I would say,

The colors it throws off,

Of yellows and oranges with splashes of red.

  How it seems very average to other flowers,

With the dark center of what it conceals,

It's one and only barrier against the harsh outer world.

  Yet somehow you broke through,

You found a way into the core,

The place no one has ever gone before.

  You didn't ask it or even plead to it,

You didn't realize what you had done,

Till eventually it was very clear.

  But like any Flower this one you caution,

It does have flames dancing around it,

Silent and not meaning to harm.

  So you watch the Flower,

The progressions and set backs,

Thinking that the flower will not burn you.

  You wonder if the warmth of the flame will fill the cold left by another,

That the flame will only help you not hurt you,

Perhaps picking the Flower is worth it?

  But fire always burns you in one way or another,

Reminding you how it's all so sensitive,

Telling you to hold your distance.

  So the thought stays in the back of your brain,

Attempt to pick the Flower and feel the burns?

Or be internally cold without the Flower's warmth?

  Author's Note:

  So this is part 3 of the Trilogy of feelings that have been passing through me right now, only 1/3....*sighs* yeah it's interesting but it causes really interesting poems to be written :D. I literally had to write out my thoughts before typing them into what you have to read above xD...anywho I hope you like this one as well as the other 2!


Burning LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora