The What If Game

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The What If Game

  What if you found someone who you wanted to know better?

What if you thought this person would be the one?

What if you wanted to stop feeling lonely?

  If this person could make you have butterflies just by messaging them,

Or by the sound of their voice?

If the why they look at you makes you fantasies like no other,

And make you wish those daydreams were real?

  What if you could picture a picture that has not been taken yet?

What if you could imagine a life with this person without blinding an eye?

What if that person was real?

  If the person could be real,

Most would say they are not.

But I know for a fact that they do exsist,

As long as you play the "What If?".

Author's Note:

  HEYOOO~ so I finally got a little poem out there for you people, I haven't forgotten you or anything it's just A.) I have had -really- bad writer's block FOREVER it sems now and B.) I do have a life, though it is mostly filled with's still a life. Plus I hae -a lot- of homework because of not-so-nice teacher =.=*

  Till the next update on whatever story...


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