The Dance of Yesterday

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Its a funny thing,
Trying to move on,
Seems only to be an uphill battle,
Two steps forward,
One step back,
Ten steps forward,
Then five steps back,
The progress always feeling at half value.

You meet someone new,
They capture your attention for a moment,
Or two,
Then the mind wanders backwards once more,
Thus the cycle then repeats.

Even with this odd dance that plays out in the back of the skull,
I feel the dance slowing,
The steps changing,
Moving only forward,
Not back.

There's one who stays longer from my present,
And helps me forget my past,
Sweet and kind,
With enough attitude to not be afraid of me.

He scares me in all honesty,
Scares me in how much I enjoy his company,
How I can forget about the harden exterior I built up so carefully,
Its stop and go for me,
I want to let him in,
As I think he's good for me.

But am I good for him?
Have I healed enough to let go of my past?
Are my vices going to be too strong for him to handle?
They were too strong for the last one I opened up completely to...
And I wont go through that again.

So much to overthink,
And the entire night to do it,
While I am tentative,
There is the small voice that whispers ever so quietly,
"I hope that he stays..."

Because maybe,
Just maybe,
I'll be right for him in the end.

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